View Full Version : Police news on LYN closure

6th Dec 2002, 11:14
Heard from a Police mate of mine that the fate for LYN has been decided.
The AMC is to close at South Cerney and move to Lyneham along with some other, as yet unspecified Army units!

The J Model is off to BZN and the K fleet is off to Linconshire somewhere, allthough he did not know (Waddo prehaps??)

He told me all this recently. Given that his knowledge of the Military is somewhat 'sketchy' how would he come up with all these facts without hearing them first hand? (Local planning meeting etc)

Any one else substantiate these nasty rumours??

Reheat On
8th Dec 2002, 07:31
Either change frequency or do what I do and search.

http://www.lynehamvillage.com/index.html is a good as anywhere.