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View Full Version : Fuel Dumping JAL 762

6th Dec 2002, 04:01
JAL 762 a Japan Airlines B747-300 departed Brisbane 0900 21 October. Near top of climb it turned out to sea and shortly after pax saw heavy white vapor pouring from near each wingtip. Aircraft circled while this was going on but no PA made to anxious passengers who wondered what the hell was going on.

Aircraft returned to Brisbane and on descent a brief PA made that technical problem caused return. Nothing was said about fuel dumping. I had a friend on board who is curious to know what was the actual technical problem. Should the crew have advised the passengers of the fuel dump instead of shutting up about it?

Hugh Jarse
6th Dec 2002, 07:41
Perhaps they were too busy dealing with the abnormality to do so, rather than shutting up about it.

It might have been prudent to do a PA after landing, but I guess it depends on Company policy.

6th Dec 2002, 12:27
It's a professional requirement to advise the passengers that you're about to start dumping fuel.
A LOT of fuel comes out of the wingtips, and so if you don't tell them they'll get rather nervous. I've had to do it only once, but we told the pax that we were about to dump first, then again about halfway through. (Some missed the first PA)