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View Full Version : FAs without humour

one ball
3rd Dec 2002, 10:28
the tyrants on the cabin crew forum need to loosen their grip. Bloke can't even post a reasonable comment without being rubbed out. Mine are hilarious but rarely last the rest of the day before being removed. What gives? What's the point if you have to take a soft you-know-what approach to it?

The moderators of these pages here can hack reading a few views that don't pander to the masses and dare to make waves, why can't they do the same over there in the CC forum??

How about some new moderators over there who can handle a bit of heat.

6th Jan 2003, 14:05
Sad to see this one ball! Especially in this forum! If you believe you can fly so HIGH ... why don't you post this on CC forum?
Will be interesting to see mod and ppruners points of view! I think you are the real tyrant ... and besides that also a coward! :mad:

6th Jan 2003, 14:17

I think it a little inappropriate that you should take an item from over a month ago which, as far as I can see does not in any way insult you (if my assumtion as to which side of the cockpit door you work is correct), and publish a very insulting reply.

There are certain civilities that should be observed.

:rolleyes: Wizofoz, seems you forgot what you wrote a few hours ago! trying to show you are the good guy in the movie?
Editing your post certainly didn't give you a lot of credit, especially cause I saw the original one! Now don't come and try to give others lessons of morality and say what is appropriate or not! :confused: :eek:

6th Jan 2003, 14:39
Wizofoz ... what about your little brain? you don't even noticed I am a new member and actually registered less than a week ago! So it didn't take me 35 days to response ... I was just browsing forums, some of them for the first time and got in here! Considering YOUR intelectual and tactless response I can imagine which side of the F/D door YOU work ... and feel very sorry for the rest of the crew. Take a chill pill!!!!!

7th Jan 2003, 01:10
Thanks I am damned with faint praise perhaps, but each Forum has its own style and the Moderators are absolutely entitled to maintain it their way.

May I suggest that if you operate internationally you should be used to modifying your behaviour to accomodate local "sensitivites".

PPRuNe is in this sense and International community all on its own

You may not like having to so do, but it is good manners.

Take it or leave it.

7th Jan 2003, 05:34
Yes Maya, I see you are a new member. If it takes such a short time for you to become viciously insulting it's not my crew that need sympathy...

:rolleyes: Wizofoz, seems you forgot what you wrote a few hours ago! trying to show you are the good guy in the movie?
Editing your post certainly didn't give you a lot of credit, especially cause I saw the original one!

7th Jan 2003, 05:50
Well, well, well
Let's start with Wizofoz: You edited your post and obviously don't let others see what you originally wrote. Shame I saw it yesterday! :rolleyes: and I believe you were offensive towards the other member. Considering your original post, I can't see where you exactly consider the other one "offensive" (you where not a proper gentleman in your original post, and you are less gentleman editing it. Not taking responsibilities for it, eh?)
Catch ya :D
Let's have a quiet time here, and I would like Mr. One ball to PM me if he's got a problem with my (and Squid) sense of humor ... not a good reason anyway to reffer to us as tyrants :eek:
I believe there's nothing left to say.