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28th Nov 2002, 10:39
This is probably a question that has been asked many times before, and if so sorry.
I was just wondering if for someone who is intending on a career with a major airline would an aviation degree be the best option? I am trying to decide if I should do get a degree or just get a CPL and try to build up from there. From what I understand airlines tend to prefer experience over all these added qualifications but I see on the Qantas pilot info. page they say a degree is "currently" not required, is there any chance it will be a minmum requirement in the near future?

Thanks for all your help.

28th Nov 2002, 23:26
Get the degree.

1. You never know when and where your plans may go astray.

2. While Qantas may not require a degree today, there is nothing to say they won't tomorrow.

3. If there are ten applicants in the running for one slot and one applicant has a degree, the final decision will take the degree into account.

4. The research and study are great future life skills.

Just my opinion.

Steely Dan
29th Nov 2002, 05:53

Whilst an aviation degree may not help you get that first job in GA it does, give you exposure to many different industry related areas. An airline doesn't necessary require one, but would be of great advantage to you in the recruiting office over the bloke next to you that doesn't. If your not in a hurry and got three years, go for it!!:) :)


29th Nov 2002, 08:13
.. if you decide on a degree ... why spend the time on a comparatively unmarketable aviation degree ..... consider going for the vocational degrees ... law, commerce, engineering .... and probably of more use to you in getting noticed by the recruitment people.

... and just do the ATPL subjects in your own time ... they aren't overly difficult in content ...

1st Dec 2002, 08:30
I agree with the sentiments of the others here for a number of reasons.
1. Qantas do not require one at the moment but a) it may change and: b) it can't hurt your chances. It may also enhance your chances of a management position at a later date.
2. If you don't get into QF (and I won't go into the whys and wherefors about that!!), if you go to the US looking for either airline or corporate flying, a degree is almost a neccessity and I think many of the Asian carriers look upon a degree favouably.
3. If you have to give up flying for whatever reason in the future, again the degree may open up other avenues to you.
Furthermore, I agree with JT's view that you are better doing a general degree rather than an aviation-specific one since an aviation-specific one may raise eyebrows outside of the industry and conversely a general degre is, by its very nature broad but still very applicable to the aviation enviroment. I would suggest a business degree such as a B.Bus, B.Comm or BEc. (I must confess though, to being biased here, I have a BEc.) Additionally, HR types will be familiar with them, and they seem to hold sway these days.
Another suggestion (bound to upset some) is to be careful of the degree and the institution as some degrees are of the Mickey Mouse variety designed more to produce fees for the Faculty offering them, rather than any serious academic pursuit.
Personally, I would be very wary of Grad. Dips that don't require an undergraduate degree as a prerequesite.
Good luck!

1st Dec 2002, 22:02
I agree with john_tullamarine….. If you want a degree do a more traditional course. Study for your ATPL subjects part time. Aviation Degrees are relatively new ( 10 years old ) Law commence degrees etc..... are more recognised and give you better options in the future.

2nd Dec 2002, 03:19
Pistol Pete,


I agree with what has been recomended to you already. I'm going into third year business next year, and it isn't that hard. I've learned a lot about making money, investing, law, HR, marketing, etc. That said, it isn't for everyone, but give it a go, it'lL make you a more rounded person - it has me anyway.

Good luck with whatever you decide, and feel free to email me if you have any questions,


[email protected]

Freek Flyer
2nd Dec 2002, 13:38

Now just to be different i'm going to recommend this: While you are young get all your flying training done, all theory and get a job and start BUILDING HOURS! When it comes down to it no-one in aviation will employ you without the basic quals. While your building hours you can study your degree part-time by correspondence. This way you could be in your early 20's with 3000-4000 hrs 3/4 of a degree (1/2 of which will be credited to you) and look much more favourable above a the uni grad with a bare commercial and a degree with a total of around 150-200 hours. This is just my opinion, It worked for me to make it to the big time.

Cheers all:)

(edited to change the smiley face, thats all)