View Full Version : Low Hours Dragonair Recruitment

Rhumb Line
27th Nov 2002, 09:53
Hi All,
When I attended the BALPA confrence in London I was informed that Dragonair would accept CVs from low hour pilots if they hold a HK permanent ID card. At the moment I am a UK Frozen ATPL holder who holds a HK permanent ID card and would like some advice on whether I should submit an application. I will also be in Hong Kong for Christmas and wonder if it would be an idea to MTR it out to CLK and come and visit.


Captain White
28th Nov 2002, 01:11
How ya gunna know if you don't Apply ???

28th Nov 2002, 01:15
Of course you should make a visit, it shows interest and motivation and personality and often works at KA !

Depends upon low hours ofcourse as KA needs 5 k hours for Command and they are fast these days, so a low hour guy say with 1000 hours will take 6 years odd to command !!

Good luck !:p

28th Nov 2002, 03:14
i've applied dragon air six months ago, but haven't heard anything. i'm also a HK permanent resident ID holder with ATP. well, i might try applying again.....

28th Nov 2002, 08:49
Can anyone from Dragon Air tell us what sort of experience seems to be attracting their attention these indeed hard days for us, aviation professionals. Could approx. 3600 TT with 1000 turboprop command, currently captain with one of the Regionals be of any interest for Dragon.
Any info is appreciated.

28th Nov 2002, 10:35
As long as you dont have an A320 command already you are in with a good chance...:(

28th Nov 2002, 21:23

Sadly speaking from experience, I'll definitely agree with your comment. It is more a hindrance than a an asset!

28th Nov 2002, 21:43
Rambo & Rfn, perhaps it is the attitude that comes with the An A320 command that presents the biggest obstacle. Big fish in a little pond rarely survive when thrown into a big pond. Cheers.

29th Nov 2002, 00:18

I agree attitude is all important. The ability to adapt is essential given the general state of aviation in general. It does, however, seem strange that while some operators are more than happy to employ ex-Captains as F/O's, others are not! EK for example.

I'm not sure if KA is that big a pond...yet.
It certainly does appear to have a bright future though.

Good luck to all KA aspirants.


29th Nov 2002, 03:30
Is the low hours and HK ID card an excuse to pay local conditions, ie no housing allowance like CX does ?

Boeing Belly
29th Nov 2002, 09:15
Karunch, I think it's a little bit unfair to suggest that just because these guys were A320 Captains that they must have bad attitudes. I think it's more a case of them being victims of politics. There is a handfull of non-scab junior A320 Captains and I know for a fact that most of them have applied for Dragonair. At least a couple of them have actually gone to Hong Kong in person and the two that I know personally have spoken to MK on the phone as well as up-dated their files regularly. All to no avail. They are under no illusions that you join Dragon as anything but an FO. A couple of the FOs that were interviewed last week actually have start dates in Ansett that precede them. No Karunch, these guys aren't senior "born to rule" Captains with bad attitudes, they are just fairly young guys with family's just trying to move on and have unfortunately been made examples of.

3rd Dec 2002, 05:05
I think Karunch has the Attitude , Boeing belly is on the right track.:rolleyes:

20th Dec 2002, 09:26
Just seen a guy, about 1500 hours total, 300-500 hours multi, now flying a A320 for Dragon..

If only I was born in either Hong Kong or Malaysia.. damn it.. I look the part...

21st Dec 2002, 04:07
I have 1000+, 300 multi time FATPL,and right to live and work in HK, tho not born in HK.
Does that make me a posible aplicant for KA??
Any help will be great.

22nd Dec 2002, 21:48
Anythings possible:rolleyes:

11th Jan 2003, 09:30
What a lot of cods-wallop - A320 Captains being excluded from KA on 'political grounds'.

Nobody is excluded from KA unless they have their names on an unfortunate list. And, I suspect, KA have deduced that people who's names are on that list turn out to be poor candidates during interview. Don't forget, some of the listed names have been interviewed, but all were found unacceptable. Having viewed that 'sample' of the listed names, the KA recruitment team have decided those listed don't fit the KA picture.

I suggest the A320 Captains with their noses out of joint have genuinely failed the interview process, on their merits, and are inventing political conspiracies to cover up for their personal failure.

Sorry guys - but I believe KA is more diligent and thoughtful in their interview process than to exclude non-listed people on 'political grounds'.

Captain White
13th Jan 2003, 00:50
Well Said HIALS !!!!

14th Jan 2003, 00:20
Agreed Hials, but they are no longer A320 captains, they are former A320 captains!

Col. Walter E. Kurtz
15th Jan 2003, 23:37
A bit off subject, but what about about 3500TT, 2500hr Multi, 1200hr Turbine with OZ ATPL with Class 1 Medical BUT with a dispensation due Red/Green Colour Perception. Does the red/green dispensation necessarily rule me out of applying or being accepted??

Sheep Guts
17th Jan 2003, 17:36
A bit off subject, but what about about 4000TT, 2500hr Multi, 1650hr Turbine Command with OZ ATPL,NZ ATPL, USATP and JAMAICAN ATPL with Class 1 Medical. Sorry Walter couldnt resist.:D

Im going to be in Hong Kong in early March on my way back to OZ, was wondering about a Tour through Dragon or if anyone has a contact. Would luv to look at the facilities etc. I am trying to contact Ms Law as we speak . Please PM me if you have any sugestions.



17th Jan 2003, 22:02
A point to be remembered is that Dragonair will recruit to suit their demographic profile. As a fairly young company they probably already have a solid batch of well qualified F/Os who are on the seniority list awaiting command opportunities.
Far better to recruit low time guys who won't have a problem being in the RHS for quite some time. Older, more experienced ex captains may not settle so eaily?

Sure, they interviewed some ex AN pilots, possibly had a couple of slots for more experienced people but it is my guess that by far and away their largest requirement is for the low time candidates that can be easily groomed to the Dragonair model and who are less likely to have a problem with being F/Os for a considerable time?

Just my two cents worth.

Rhumb Line
17th Jan 2003, 22:37
Thanks Blue Eagle. As the original poster of the thread I am glad I got an awnser in the end......it all seemed to go a bit political there for a while. It makes sense of what you said. As a HK resident who is instructing in the UK who loves HK and wants to return the logic in what you say is music to my ears. At the moment I dont give a dam how long I would be in the RHS for or really how much I would be paid ( as long as it buys me a few beers down Wanchai and a copy of Autosprt every thursday I am a happy man ) No reply from KA yet explaining my situation, but no news is good news I presume.

fair wx and always tail winds guys.

18th Jan 2003, 06:12

Same shoes as you, no news should be good news...

Col. Walter E. Kurtz
18th Jan 2003, 13:59
Please folks, does red/green colour perception dispensation affect employability?

24th Jan 2003, 01:13
Walter - probably yes.

That I am aware there are 2 colour blindness tests. One is used by the USA Authorities and their half the world, the other is used by the UK Authorities and the other half of the world. Naturally, HKG is in the UK camp and holding a USA Class 1 does not mean the HKG CAD will issue you with a licence.

If you want to test the water, do a UK CAA Class I Medical Exam.

- I should add. You could do a HKG Class I medical too. If the HKG CAD are prepared to issue you with a licence, then Dragonair couldn't give a rats ar$e about your eye sight. All KA want is a Class 1 Medical Certificate issued by the CAD.

24th Jan 2003, 01:34


24th Jan 2003, 04:12
Drs. Yeung, Kong, Chik
Personnel Licensing Office
10/F Commercial Building
Airport Freight Fowarding Centre
2 Chun Wan Rd

24th Jan 2003, 04:45
thsk a ton jtr ! is there a phone no as well.

thks again.

24th Jan 2003, 04:52
2769 8819

25th Jan 2003, 00:49
Dr F M O'TREMBA (male)
c/o Dr Vio and Partners, 9/F Kaiseng Commercial Centre
4-6 Hankow Road TSIMSHATSUI
ph: 852 2369 3329
fax: 852 2369 3329

He also does HK Class 1, with all standard equipments all at one place.

Currently Dragonair utilises the service of a Dr. Fu in Central, forgot the address, but upstairs from a Fortress across the street from Lan Kwai Fong.

Hope these will help out as well.

25th Jan 2003, 01:25
thks guys ! this is grt help.

Col. Walter E. Kurtz
25th Jan 2003, 07:27
HIALS - Thanks for help.