View Full Version : Wannabes is the most negative place on the internet

7th Jan 2002, 06:27
Wannabes has to be the most saddest place or forum on the internet. Its such a shame that this place attracts whiners, which 99% of them are originating from the UK !! We never hear Irish complaining nor any other EU nationality. Does this tell us something? Yes, POMS have to be the most whinging , complaining people in the world of aviation.

Why dont all the whiners just move on and get a life, from looking at negative posts on this forum (apart from how boring it all is to read) its hard to imagine how any aivation business which is in the UK marketplace can ever survive.

So a message all you poms out there get a life, stop complaining and get on with it! Start posting some real informative info. Its hard to imagine what most people using wannabes did with there time before pprune!!

Pen it off!
7th Jan 2002, 06:53

for someone who finds all the topics on the forum extremely boring, you must spend an awful lot of time reading them as they are not quickly browsed. So, you either have nothing better to do with your time, in which case i would classify you as probably an Avionics engineer based in the North, or the forum does interest you and you are just bored and trying to stir a response.

So now we have cleared that, whydontugetalife or start the ball rolling by posting an informative topic of your choice <img src="tongue.gif" border="0"> <img src="tongue.gif" border="0">

Wee Weasley Welshman
7th Jan 2002, 13:42
Well acually a dissproportinate number of Wannabes around these parts are Irish in my experience of dealing with their email.

Things are very bad in UK aviation hiring right now. This state of affairs arrived upbruptly and enexpectedly. Its arrival has caused immense heartache, misery and worry to thousands of people in the industry and waiting to enter it.

It is therefore entirely appropriate that one of the functions of the Wannabes Forum is to provide a shoulder to cry on. Many people draw comfort and solace in knowing that they are not the only one in a sticky situation (see p.2 of the Gandalf thread). Others use the forum to keep each other up to date on a companies recruitment (the Brittannia thread).

Others, often myself, generate threads that try to qauntify the current state of the hiring market and when it will recover.

You could argue that these kinds of threads are 'negative'.

I disagree. I think this period post Sept 11th will prove to be the Wannabes Forum finest hour. Since its inception the general line has been "come on in - the waters lovely". A few bits of advice about how to get a loan, how to choose a school, whether to go the States and just which sponsorship was starting up again next week were all that was required.

Providing support in the current climate and then passing on the hot gen as things improve will, in my opinion, take the Wannabes forum from the realm of somewhat handy to that of being an indispensable aid.

You are free of course to have your own opinion.

Kindest Regards,


7th Jan 2002, 13:46
Yes I agree with WWW this is like therapy
for us all and WWW is a psych major n'est ce

7th Jan 2002, 13:55

Well, your post is hardly the most positive one in the history of the wannabes forum now is it? Ever heard of the pot calling the kettle black? :)

Luke SkyToddler
7th Jan 2002, 14:02
Such a nice user name you have too! So nice to see you doing your bit to bring a little ray of sunshine into our miserable, negative lives <img src="rolleyes.gif" border="0">

No seriously, I've been as guilty as the next man of using wannabe's to vent my frustration over the last few months, and to be honest yes it's a bit of a depressing place to hang out in at the moment because now is not a very auspicious time to be an aspiring airline pilot. Besides, normally all our misery posts are balanced by the big back-slapping ones that go on when someone gets their big break and we're all extremely happy for them.

I can't say I've noticed YOU contributing much to the forums before, either positive or negative, so instead of slagging off at poms why don't you shut up, knuckle down and tell us something useful and/or inspiring?

7th Jan 2002, 14:15
A few of things,

1) You don't have to be here if you don't want to be. If life isn't quite as rosy on here as you'd like, STOP COMING HERE. <img src="redface.gif" border="0">
2) You are moaning about alledged moaning, which makes you a whinging git. <img src="tongue.gif" border="0">
3) Having re-read all of your 6 (count 'em) posts, it appears you seem to be a touch paranoid. <img src="eek.gif" border="0">
4) Funnily enough, given that this is a UK based website about European licences, it follows (somewhat obviously) that 99% of the posts on it will be from the UK. If you have a problem with it, go find an Irish aviation forum to go and moan on. <img src="cool.gif" border="0">

7th Jan 2002, 14:50

Why did you bother

A) Taking the time to register with such a username
B) Attacking everyone who uses and enjoys this site, and who gets great satisfaction from reading its content

as WWW said you are entitled to your opinion,

7th Jan 2002, 16:48
Puts on best GPWS accent:

"Wind-up, wind-up . . ." <img src="smile.gif" border="0">

7th Jan 2002, 17:19
Doubtful, check the other posts.

7th Jan 2002, 17:38
Now come on guys, I know you to be better than just the odd comment.

Give our Oz friend a sample of why you DON'T think it's a negative forum. There are enough reasons wouldn't you say? Is the PPRuNe Fund a negative issue - now at £6882 now by the way.

Give him/her a few - 'he' is defintiely in need of them. Go to it!! <img src="cool.gif" border="0">

7th Jan 2002, 17:44

Following on from a few of the other posts above, I would like to point out that there are very few threads where people actually moan. To be fair, people rightly feel down about the whole situation but they don't moan about it. Wannabes are taking the proactive approach in trying to overcome the additional hurdle that has been thrown down infront of them. If your in this aviation game for the right reasons you'll be looking for ways around the problems. I'm sure many others would agree with me on this.


7th Jan 2002, 17:52
here here! :)

7th Jan 2002, 18:46
I'm not involved with the aviation industry except as regular slf but I do follow the threads; I think that the tone of the wannabees' responses is generally mutually supportive and I also think that many experienced aviators put themselves out to give decent answers to questions that may look pretty obvious to them. Whatever helps, and those who don't like it don't need to tap in.

Ah, so that's a spin!

7th Jan 2002, 18:59
Oh, alright then Don. Your cut out and keep guide to why ‘wannabes’ isn’t the most negative place on the internet:

1) You too can do it
18 months ago, aged 29, I thought I was too old for a career as a commercial pilot. Airline pilots were all either sponsored by an airline or ex RAF, right? Wrong. <img src="rolleyes.gif" border="0"> I found ‘wannabes’, made the startling discovery that there are hundreds if not thousands of people in my position, and kick-started the self-belief that I’d never had before.

2) Support
I good mate of mine (who I met through this forum) was one of only 30 people to make it through all stages of BM’s sponsorship selection last summer. Unfortunately they only had 29 places, so guess who got bounced? Helped by the support of several people here, he refused to give up, and is now doing an integrated ATPL at Jerez. Most people go through hell to get their first job – the support available here, and the knowledge that you’re not alone, might just make the difference between perseverance and giving up.

3) Advice
Ask a sensible question and it’ll be answered. Where else are you going to get the chance to chat to airline pilots / managers worldwide, and get the benefit of years - no decades - of experience? “If you were starting again, what would you do differently? What route, which school?” etc etc.

4) Seminars
If you’ve been to one of these, you won’t need telling. If you haven’t, you’re missing out on face to face discussions with any number of current airline pilots, ATCers & managers. If these were organised commercially, your day out would cost around £150. Here, it will set you back the princely sum of £20 (and that to cover the cost of the rooms). These people are giving up their time for you.

5) Networking
Contacts are one of the most important factors in getting you first job. 18 months ago, aviation was a closed world to me. Thanks to ‘wannabes’, I’m now on first name terms with several current captains and FOs, a senior ATC manager, and a former airline owner. (I’ve even seen a couple of them in kilts, so I’ve good some good blackmail material if ever required.) <img src="wink.gif" border="0">

So there you go. Yes of course you get the odd whinger, the odd immature comment, even the occasional loony. A bit like the real world when you think about it. Spend a little time sorting the wheat from the chaff, and you won’t find a better aviation resource in the entire world.

And as for the most negative place on the internet, have you checked out Aston Villa’s website this morning? :) :) :)

7th Jan 2002, 21:19
Hello people.
I just wanted to tell you that here in Iceland we laugh at people like whydontugetalife, they are not useful in any other way.
This forum, as many others, is very good and a great place for us to exchange opinions.
Safe flying.
Heli-Ice <img src="cool.gif" border="0">

7th Jan 2002, 22:24
Was there any need for that post "whydontugetalife"!!!
And as seperating the "POMS" out as being WHINING is PATHETIC and boarding on DISCRIMINATION!!!
Im new here but haven't met any whining just people who are unsure asking for advice I don't think theres anything wrong with that!! Why have forums if different issues or views are not raised (that you consider whining)??
I HATE THE WHINING POM SYNDROME!!! its FALSE,narrow minded and UN-ORIGINAL we could start the "Lucky charm" and "Leprechaun" jokes but we won't as were above YOUR LEVEL.
SO GROW UP and if you don't like people getting advice about negative or concerning issues like i have, then you no where to go WHININGGITS.COM


7th Jan 2002, 23:28
Now let's see if has the bolleaux to reply to any of this. whydontugetalife, is that your name or is it what people keep telling you to do? :)

Nearly Man
8th Jan 2002, 00:43
Hmmm, what's going on here? have I missed something? Big windup...would by surprised if it wasn't Flypuppy starting trouble again (:

Don't think there's too many cheery happy go lucky pilots in Oz at the moment!

8th Jan 2002, 00:51
I think you say it best yourself...


You are clearly not a student and/or pilot!

8th Jan 2002, 02:58
'Sadly', whydontyougetalife was killed flying a stolen Cessna into Bank of America over the weekend. F@ckw!t.....

8th Jan 2002, 22:07
Thank you for that, sir, but there are, racist wind-up or not, some real issues here.

1) The hostile climate (financial, regulatory and weather) for aviation in U.K. undermines satisfaction from learning, teaching or, only, flying. Aren't some of the 'moaning' students and 'rip-off' feelings just a symptom of difficult, expensive and frustrating conditions?

2) Another consequence of those conditions is the relatively large amount of time spent in bulls-hitting, club bars, groundschool, spotting, Wannabes etc., rather than actually flying. Ever wondered why the (not) flying club scene is so big here, when it is insignificant in the U.S.?

3)The sudden and serious decline in job opportunities is, genuinely, sad and those who have debts and destroyed dreams but few prospects deserve sympathy, not mockery. Although it is not new, on here, doesn't that explain why many Wannabes are now virtual flying here, instead of virtually, or actually, flying?

4)A persistent minority of 'sad' postings are not genuine guys, innocent enquiries or real moaners but people who use Wannabes to promote places or criticise competition. It isn't easy for the moderators to identify and delete every attempt but is marketing allowed free on the forum?

5)Some are certainly obsessed with this site but I am not addicted, I am NOT addicted, I am definitely NOT addicted.......