View Full Version : How were you made Redundant?

25th Nov 2002, 13:19
Employed as Turbo Prop Captain with large company operating a mix of civil Jets and Turbo Props on Military/Government contracts at 3 bases.

New MD appointed to streamline/reduce workforce. Started with Managers, now working on Aircrew.

Employed at small outstation with 6 Pilots, one the Chief Pilot.
One FO resigns, not to be replaced. One Captain post at "risk".

So its me or the other guy. Me nearly 16 years with the company, him 2 years and Captain for about 9 months.

Me chosen... Reason.. Complied with the selection criteria...
No verbal warnings, No written Warnings, Good PDRs (Annual Reports). Not allowed to see completed selection form.

Went to see a Solicitor. Said I had a good case for Unfair Dismissal through Redundancy (Dont they always!).
Anyway with no guarantee of sucess and at £300 per hour, or £5 PER MINUTE, decided to take the money and run.

Real reason for selection...Was on £9000 or so more than the other guy due to previous jet service and time with the company.

With 5 years to retirement pension plans in tatters...

Professionally done... You bet.

LGW Vulture
25th Nov 2002, 13:39
Although you're on the wrong forum you have my sympathy!

Never an easy time for anyone. However, dust yourself down kick yourself up the @ss and do something about it.

Cos no-one else out there will!

Sink or Swim...harsh but true.


......Life now is only Bizjets..........................

Lou Scannon
25th Nov 2002, 13:45
What you needed here was specialist advice rather than speaking to the average solicitor. But I agree that their rates are frighteningly high.

Perhaps you were selected for redundancy on the basis of you not being a union member, be it Balpa, TGWU etc etc.

Perhaps they also knew that you didn't even have one of those household policy things that cover you for legal advice.

Perhaps you made yourself an easier target than the other pilots!

25th Nov 2002, 13:53
In my case, small base, three f/o's, 3 capts. (I was one). I was declared medically unfit pending enquiries (CAA promised that medical should be restored in less than 2 months. Immediately Co asked for my company credit card and indicated that I was no longer required. Medical restored in 6 weeks. Capt transferred from another base to replace me. Reported to Co. that medical restored. Co. replied G** St****d. No notice or payment in lieu.
A few weeks later another capt. at same base looses medical for six weeks. This capt. is on identical contract. He is still flying for said Co. In view of the money I saved said Co. and service I provided over 2.5 years of hard work I thought it a little unfair. This is what happens when there are not enough jobs and surplus pilots. This is the trouble with verbal contracts!

This is the industry (we) you work in chaps!

25th Nov 2002, 14:04
I'm in a different industry. We were told a couple weeks ago there will be 20-30% reduction in our department. We won't know for until mid-December whether or not we're the ones to go. Merry &**(&! Xmas.

25th Nov 2002, 14:29

Are you in BALPA or IPA (or niether) ? If you are, I'm sure you'd be backed-up !

Sorry to hear of your situation. Best of luck !


25th Nov 2002, 15:29
Although I am not aircrew (yet) I can certainly vouch for the value of having legal insurance cover. For a relatively small monthly cost, somewhere in the region of about an extra fiver on the household policy, I have 2.5 million euros worth of legal cover.

The company I previously worked for pulled a pretty evil stunt on me and tried to get rid of me at no cost to themselves. O couple of phone calls later and the legal bods were onto the company like a pack of hyenas (it was a fairly straightforward case for them). They ripped company for a goodly sum at no cost to me.

I know it doesnt help you in your situation right now UV, but it might be worthwhile anyone else investigating what exists, especially in these uncertain times.

I wish you the best of luck in finding something else UV.

25th Nov 2002, 23:41
Try another solicitor. (Who did you go to - Norton Rose?) Typically you should expect to pay around £110 per hour. Nowadays the company can be forced to give you back your job. Don't leave it like it is. It's a black mark on your cv.

Any way, what is this supposed to mean:
Complied with the selection criteria...

26th Nov 2002, 08:53
Hi UV,

Sorry to hear your story. Been made redundant once myself.

> Went to see a Solicitor. Said I had a good case for Unfair
> Dismissal through Redundancy (Dont they always!).

About the only grounds for a case these days would be if they transferred someone in from another base to replace you. eg The company can't make you redundant without the position you occupied also being redundant. I've seen one electronics company make the mistake of making someone redundant and then hiring a contractor to replace them for the remaining duration of a project they were working on. In the end though going to court is a no win situation unless you want to retire soon anyway.

Pax Vobiscum
26th Nov 2002, 10:24
Sadly most companies regard the possibility of being taken to an industrial tribunal as simply a normal cost of business. They know that the worst case damages are relatively trivial (unless you can claim racial or sexual discrimination).

According to my wife (a lawyer) "the only people who make money from the law are lawyers".

Best of luck, whatever you decide to do


27th Nov 2002, 03:38
You have my sympathy, i have been made redundant 3 times in 3 years!!! The first company went bust, i was not paid. The second was due to Sept 11, the third when the company got rid of the fleet i was operating. The total time on the rock n roll 6 months.
Chin up as one door shuts another slams in your face.:(