View Full Version : Looking for info about Britannia

25th Nov 2002, 10:39
Alrighty folks,

As a wannabe who has recently been fortunate enough to be offered a sponsorship with Britannia, I was wondering if some current Britannia pilots could put down a few words to give me (and the other guys/girls that were offered places) an idea of what they're like to work for.

It's nice to get a heads-up from people in the know so that I/we know what to expect when the time comes to join the line.

Any responses would be greatly appreciated! :)


Smudge's Lot
25th Nov 2002, 12:34
I was sponsored by Britannia in the late 80's and am still there and STILL not a Captain.
I do love working for them though and despite all the moans,they remain one of the best UK airlines to work for(being ever so slightly biased!!) We have Loss of Licence and Health insurance,sector pay,final salary pension scheme(yes-still) and all in all a very understanding company.
The time to command is obviously a bit of a sticky subject but it will come and those joining in the last few years shouldn't have to wait as long.
After sept 11th, Britannia was one of the few airlines to not sack anybody,no change to conditions of service and no pay cut.
Work is varied but long haul tends to be only available to those at LGW and MAN.All the bases are fun to work from and the people at each also make the day enjoyable.
I could go on (but will not!!) but I think you will enjoy it.Good luck for the course.

25th Nov 2002, 13:46
Cheers Smudge,

Sounds like you're enjoying life with Britannia (which can only bode well for us newbies)! I have in fact heard that quite a few pilots stay with BY their whole careers? Certainly, if you've been there since the 80s and haven't felt the need to move on due to the company or due to boredom with the routes then things look good.

One other question: on average, how many hours can you expect to put away every year (just trying to gauge when the fATPL would become full!)?

Thanks again, probably see you around!


25th Nov 2002, 14:03
I can only tell you that a mate of mine joined Britannia as a 737 F/O in the late 70's. It took him about 14 years to get his command due, not to his lack of ability, but circumstances. Since that time Britannia has had it's financially dodgey times but talking to him the other day he is happy that Britannia is now on a sound financial footing and that the future is bright with them for him and everybody else. I know he has enjoyed his career so far with the company so you are probably one of the lucky ones - enjoy!

26th Nov 2002, 08:56
I can only say good things about Britannia. There arent many outfit like Britannia now days. If any one can get in, go for it.

Smudge's Lot
28th Nov 2002, 11:42
Cambo,glad to have been of use.
The average yearly flying does vary around the bases because the large bases (Man,Lgw and Bhx) tend to be 'overmanned' therefore average hours are lower than at say Ncl or Gla.My average(and it is just that,an average) is about 550 flying hours a year but a mate in NCL does more like 700 a year and frequently approaches the 28 day limit during the summer!

As I said before,it is a good company to work for and as ever, The Grass MAY APPEAR greener elsewhere but at the end of the day, work where you will be happy

Good luck again and see you in about 22 months!!!:D

28th Nov 2002, 12:34

Again, cheers for the heads-up. Sounds good mate. I'm not too bothered at which base I start off my career, but GLA would certainly be nice for me!

As for the grass being greener, it looks like the Britannia terms and conditions are pretty good so I think I'll be happy there. Seemingly the contract will be sent out at the start of December after I send them my class 1 (which I’m waiting on the CAA to send to me) so I'll get a better idea of the lay of the land then. I'm wondering if I'll be put in a holding pool after I (and the other cadets) finish the training, but I suppose I'll find out soon enough. Looking forward to Jerez too, looks great on the web site and I’ve heard good things about it (plus I might even get a tan; a real bonus for a pale Scotsman like myself!).

See you soon then! :D


2nd Dec 2002, 15:01
Britannia's image on the continent is excellent. To us, there's BA and then Britannia which sounds like the pefect airline to work for: good pay with low fatigue. All this is only a confirmation. This airline will keep its pilots even when weather is brighter on the whole industry.