View Full Version : Sorry, but another BA TEP question

31st Jan 2001, 14:32
I've just spoken to the lovely people at the "World's Favourite" and they have invited me for aptitudes on March 26th. Can anyone tell me how long the wiat is at present between aptitudes and final board.
A few days, a few weeks, a few months...
Thanks in anticipation.

flying doc
31st Jan 2001, 15:49
Few months!!!

31st Jan 2001, 16:37
I'll second that!!!!!!

31st Jan 2001, 19:40
Can anyone be more specific please?

31st Jan 2001, 20:22
It's can be from one week (if they try to fit you into a cancellation) to several months (if all their final board places are fully booked for a while). I know people who have experienced both of these extremes so it is difficult to be specific as it varies from person to person. Good luck if you get through.