View Full Version : Bordeaux Sectors

23rd Nov 2002, 16:20
Whats happening with the Bordeaux sector these days.
There has been another freq failure today resulting in combining
sectors causing some (only minor) atc delays. This freq problem seems to be happening alot more!

24th Nov 2002, 18:34
Well, a couple of days ago, our main emittor has been struck by lightning and was seriously damaged, I'm afraid.

The back-up emittor and our advanced antennae allow us to work in almost normal conditions, but as there's no back-up left, any problem on those antennae (storms, a cut line, etc.) can cause a loss of some of our frequencies...

I had never experienced those problems before, we seem to be very unlucky those days :( Now, I'm a bit worried to get back to work tomorrow, I must confess...