View Full Version : Norway probes 1982 mystery crash

Bally Heck
21st Nov 2002, 10:23
A no news day perhaps?

BBC News (http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/2497043.stm)

Boss Raptor
21st Nov 2002, 22:57
read and read again...it wasn't the russians...

Fwd Wonder Cerebrum
22nd Nov 2002, 16:33
Well it might be of no interest to the public in UK or the rest of the world, but it sure is a big issue in the Norwegian media...

The two RAF Harriers should never have been inside the restricted area, close to the Russian border, cold war and everything, and it was probably in the interest of NATO to keep things quiet about the crash where one of the Harriers hit the Twin-Otter - according to the civilian onlookers - killing all crew and pax.

The cold war is over, guess it's about time the RAF provides us with the dirty details.

23rd Nov 2002, 07:50
Yup. Especially now that they have recovered a piece from the Harrier's tail section...

26th Nov 2002, 13:36
Just because it's on the BBC site doesn't mean it's only designed to appeal to British residents in carpet slippers.

Lou Scannon
3rd Dec 2002, 13:09
There seem to be a few potentially creative journo's here.

Firstly I failed to read that the civilians had seen a Harrier strike anything. The report stated that "Military aircraft were reportedly seen in the area following the crash".

Secondly there was no report of a Harrier tail being damaged. A local did find a piece of wreckage that he claimed had been identified as part of a Harrier. Given the number of Harrier bits scattered around Norway that might be true, but is there anything that ties it to this incident?

Where are the published times that would support the theory?
ie civilian aircraft crashed at xxxxhours and the (reportedly) damaged Harrier landed at xx30 hours.

Lets get the evidence before we accuse anyone (and it would have to be the entire Nato organisation) of a cover-up!