View Full Version : First step taken!

21st Nov 2002, 08:48
This is my first posting on this site. I have been reading the threads as a guest but I finally decided to register. yesterday was a small but significant landmark in my life. It may not mean much to many of you but I really wanted to share it. After months of talks, arguments, tears and so on, my wife is now supporting me in attaining my dream ....fATPL. Its going to be a long (and from the threads I have read, frustrating) and EXPENSIVE journey. I am a relatively late addition to the wannabie scene (33 next year). We decided that modular was probably the best route as using the house as security on a £50,000 loan was too much of a gamble.
Class 1 medical is booked and then I will be going part time in my job and PPL will be next. I know I still have a VERY long way to go before I am anywhere near a position to be sending out CVs but it's a start..a journey of 1000 miles begins with the first step......
It could all fall to bits if I fail the Class 1 !!:mad: Fingers crossed.
The main reason I put this thread is because the feeling one gets when ones loved one decides to support you in achieving your goal is just amazing.
Good luck to us all.

21st Nov 2002, 09:01
Well Roccafellascunk, im only 11 hrs into the PPL ahead of you.
I know how hard it is to get the full backing from the other half to support your dream... Best of luck.

21st Nov 2002, 09:55
Well done mate.

I'm in a very similar situation - same age, modular route, PPL imminent, Class 1 booked.

Doesn't it make you feel like a kid again? Full of hope and (perhaps misguided) optimism.

Good luck to all of us.

21st Nov 2002, 10:19
Good luck to all of you and welcome to the long queue of people chasing an airline job. Maybe see you in a crew room some day?


21st Nov 2002, 10:26
Hi rocky,

You are right it is a very good feeling when your other half supports your dream. It is important to keep her in the loop as to how the training goes. For guys like us the Modular route is probably the best way of doing it.

I am the same age as you but I have been through the mill, and am now at the CPL level. Everything is now on hold until things brighten up jobwise.

Drop me an e-mail or private message if you want to have a chat or ask any questions.

21st Nov 2002, 11:46
Thanks to all of you for your replies. Footsie you're absolutely right. I feel like a kid who's been told Christmas comes once a week.

21st Nov 2002, 11:52
Welcome aboard mate.

You will enjoy your half day at the CAA wearing a nice white robe :D.

Better log off and do some study, ATPL ground school about to start in 6 weeks!:eek:


21st Nov 2002, 14:35
Good luck to you, glad to hear that I'm not the only one.

Class 1 under my belt, now off to Florida for a week to check out a few flying schools.

Hoorah for the housing boom eh?! And hoorah for sympathetic other halves. :) :)


21st Nov 2002, 15:43
Cheers DAL and best of luck to you too

Select Zone Five
22nd Nov 2002, 09:52
Welcome to the site rocafellascunk and good luck with the training. I'm a fellow "flying disease" sufferer. It's crazy but it's gonna be fun...enjoy it! :D