View Full Version : Latest QR route plans

19th Nov 2002, 20:48
I have it on good authority that the latest plans for new routes for Summer 03 from our friends at QR are:

Madrid ... as an extension of the Casablanca service where loads have been below expectations.

ZRH ... originally considered as an extension of MUC, but may now be non-stop.

TIP/TUN ... combined operation.



... and of course Manchester.

Once again expansion for expansion's sake. I doubt if any of them have a chance of making money in the short/medium term ... although MAD might help to make some sense of the CAS route.

21st Nov 2002, 06:34
All these routes are dog routes. On the CAS route QR is losing over USD5 mill a year. Load factors are below 50%.

Yep, just expansion for the sake. and guess what? EK is flying double daily to MAN, so QR has no chance.

Just heard that QR loses will be over 200 milliomn this ytear.

Good luck

21st Nov 2002, 11:30
Why does AAB feel the need to keep "expanding"like this if hes losing so much money,should he not concentrate on new ideas and the money making routes???Is he doing anything right???

21st Nov 2002, 14:17
Maybe QR does not have to make a profit now?

Maybe QRs mission now is just to expand in order to establish a brandname and afterwards they will worry about losses?

It has been said allready a thousand times that QR has a virtual carte blanche considering money untill 2006!!! It is governement owned and in its businessplan it is clearly stated that no profit whatsoever is expected before 2006!!!

And as you all know....Qatar has lots of money so this litte airline has no influence whatsoever on the states GNP!!!

Maybe you are not the good manager you think you are????

23rd Nov 2002, 11:01
To be fair, it is not AAB who decides the routes always, of course he does approve them and decide from time to time as well.

But this ridiculous Casablanca to madrid, MUC-ZRH, ADEN etc is the daft idea of saleh Fakhri - so called ' educated' GM Commercial. He some how lies to AAB about roue potentials and gets the nod from AAB.

I think sooner we get rid of SFakhri, the better the airline will do commerically.

I agree that the airline must expand but the brand does suffer as a result of low morale - so should not some money be spent on rewarding hard working staff (like me!)?

Hope that we all can see the day sfakhri is kicked out and a professional western is placed to run the commercial viable airline with hitler AAB.

23rd Nov 2002, 13:08
Denbatty do you think a professional western manager would put up with AAB antics and methods,and I mean a professional????QR crew are the best,keep low,bye bye.

23rd Nov 2002, 18:58
I am told that Mohamed Fakhri is way out of his depth in the GM Commercial role. He won't admit it and AAB doesn't realise it. And what is even worse he does not listen to the people around him who in many cases are a lot brighter than he is. The airline is going to struggle unless it can attract some top notch senior managers ... problem is that anyone worth hiring will know about AAB and probably refuse to join.

26th Nov 2002, 08:42
Godstone, you are absolutely correct. Mohammed fakhri is damn useless. He is a typical autocratic... demanding.

He has no knowledge of the airline management of this new era, he still lives in the GF days of 1980s. He does not listen to anyone, what he says goes.

Actually all the managers that resigned recently left because they could not contribute in anyway, fakhri did not listen. Discarded their word, work, ideas and loyalty.

How can fakhri admit he is capable? We are all fed up with his management style, sadly our families need the support, so we have to put up with a prat like SF until we get a better job. Or dare I say 'better GM'.

Keep up the good work cabin/tech crew.

Censored to keep the peace.

26th Nov 2002, 16:52
Sounds like you know him well, denbatty. Your comments certainly match those I have heard from many current and former QR employers. Will he be found out?

27th Nov 2002, 14:13
Lets hope so.....

Maybe they can have a look at the same time at the emigration department! The big boss there and the 'thin black guy' (you know who) are f***ng useless!