View Full Version : I'm at cross road?????

18th Nov 2002, 06:29
Hi everyone,

I'm at a cross road with regards to my flying career. I really would love to join the major airline as a pilot....just like every one out there :) .....but i have to be realistic about it.

I'm 32 YO right now only have over 400Hr that including MECIR, Instructor rating i started very late at the age of 24.
Started my uni degree at the age of 27....and year 12 at the age of 26...

Realisticly speaking what are the chances for me getting in......compare to some of the guys out there who has few thousand hrs...and age being in range of mid twenties.


I just need an advise...please....


18th Nov 2002, 11:52
To the best of my knowledge you have as much chance as anyone else of getting into Qantas, I believe their recruitment process has little to do with age once you have their minimum criteria.

DJ may be a different story. It seems like a bit of an old mates club, or else a "Young up and comers" scene.

Bear in mind there are many more opportunities to fly big equipment these days. NJS, Impulse, Alliance etc will all get you into a jet, REX, Impulse and QF regional into a big turbo prop, and I would not think age would be a big factor there.

You will obviously need substantially more experience than you have at present, so be prepared for the hard yards like we all did.

My advice is the same as to anyone. If you’re trying to choose between flying and another career, choose the other one. If there's NOTHING you want to do but fly, go for it!! Whatever you end up flying will have a higher service ceiling than a desk!!!

Blue skies

Capt Claret
18th Nov 2002, 13:34

If your only goal is QF, my guess is that you'll be disappointed. As far as I know they still require experience comensurate with age, something neither you or I will ever have.

However, as Wizofoz says, there are other optioins.

If you're prepared to look at the other optioins then your age need not be a barrier.

I didn't start flying until 26, never thought I'd fly a jet much less command one. So, if flying is your true calling, you won't give up and you will succeed. :)

Sheep Guts
18th Nov 2002, 15:16
Well for starters you arent alone in your quest. With 400HRS MECIR, you should make the pilgrimmage north if you already havent done so. You say you have done a degree, did that include ATPL Subjects? If not I would sugest knocking them off, before heading north as you may be too busy to study.

"This Flying Life "as I call it OHBOY is a great big adventure if you want it to be, and QANTAS is not necessarily the be all end all option.
If you think globaly there are quite alot more, as my Expatriate collegues may concurr with.:)

I started flying in the bush with 385hrs and MECIR at the age of 28 I am now 34 with close to 4000TT , I am not on a jet as my signature suggests. Its been a fun ride , if I did IT all again I wouldnt change a thing. Prior to getting into Aviation I was elctronics technicain, BORING...... .

Keep at it OHBOY the tide will turn

:) :)

21st Nov 2002, 09:22

I say keep at it, but keep all options open. I do not want to dispute what Capt Claret has said, but from what I have previuosly understood as long as you meet the minimums for QF you should get a look in for stage one.
The experience comensurate with age thing, I do not know if that is accurate. Just because you are a bit older doesn´t mean you don´t have the skills required and you definately have a bit more like experience and maturity.

Keep at it OhBoy