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View Full Version : Does anyone know this (Stapleford)

4th Mar 2002, 22:41
I´m thinking of doing the USA/UK proffesionel course at Stapleford, but the PPL I do in USA, Oklahoma is that a FAA PPL or a JAR PPL?. .. .JAnnik

5th Mar 2002, 22:38
It's a FAA PPL, but that is OK, you can fly in Europe with this license.

5th Mar 2002, 23:23
I don´t think you can fly in Europe on a FAA PPL alone doesn´t that require a CPL and 150 hours as PIC.. .I´m pretty sure that you cannot fly on a FAA PPL with only 50 hours in Europe but please correct me if I´m wrong (I hope I´m wrong). .. .Jannik

6th Mar 2002, 23:39
As far as I know, you can fly a UK registered plane in the UK on an FAA PPL but only in day time VFR and cannot take it abroad, not sure though.. .. .Why not check with them as they might be able to offer a JAR PPL in the US, to save you having to convert it or they might include the conversion when you get back. I think you need to do a skill test and probably some written tests to convert.