View Full Version : So who wants to fly single pilot?

12th Nov 2002, 17:08
I recentley did a flight from a well known airfield up north,the wx was 800m in fog cloud base 200 feet in light rain.I had just lined up on the runway when tower informs me of a second change in departure instructions, no problem it happens a lot in this game.Once airborne simulated engine failure youv'e guessed it,
OPC radar vectored ILS then none standard missed approach,back for the NDB down to minima for real. sorry to go on Guys & Gals but apart from the engine failure this is a normal day in the life of a single pilot operation, good charater building stuff,its hard work on your own but good fun as well. Having said that I would still like a multi crew enviroment, but Hey' beggers can't be choosers.

Good luck what ever you fly.

12th Nov 2002, 21:10
I like single pilot airplane, if there is a turbine (like the PC12), radar weather, autopilot, radar alt,double instrumentation, fadec, HSI, FCU,....and a good aviation magazine for cruise! :D