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8th Nov 2002, 23:22
For those who think oz pilots have it bad :eek:

Australia - the Golden Land

> > I come for visit, get treated regal,
> > So I stay, who care I illegal?
> > I cross ocean, poor and broke,
> > Take bus, see employment folk.
> >
> > Nice man treat me good in there,
> > Say I need to see welfare.
> > Welfare say, "You come no more,
> > We send cash right to your door."
> >
> > Welfare checks, they make you wealthy,
> > Medicare it keep you healthy!
> > By and by, I got plenty money,
> > Thanks to you, Australian dummy.
> >
> > Write to friends in motherland,
> > Tell them come as fast as you can.
> > They come in turbans and Ford trucks,
> > I buy big house with welfare bucks.
> >
> > They come here, we live together,
> > More welfare checks, it gets better!
> > Fourteen families they moving in,
> > But neighbor's patience wearing thin.
> >
> > Finally, white guy moves away,
> > Now I buy his house, and then I say,
> > "Find more aliens for house to rent."
> > And in the yard I put a tent.
> >
> > Send for family (they just trash),
> > But they, too, draw the welfare cash!
> > Everything is very good,
> > And soon we own the neighborhood.
> >
> > We have hobby-it called breeding,
> > Welfare pay for baby feeding.
> > Kids need dentist? Wife need pills?
> > We get free! We got no bills!
> >
> > Australian crazy! He pay all year,
> > To keep welfare running here.
> > We think Australia darn good place!
> > Too darn good for the white man race.
> >
> > If they no like us, they can scram,
> > Got lots of room in Pakistan.

8th Nov 2002, 23:50
....ever tried to live on a welfare cheque?... I mean live? Not just subsist.

This thread deserves the padlock sooner rather than later...

8th Nov 2002, 23:56

i agree with you buddy, hence the reason why i said " for those who think they have it tough "

living on welfare IS hard.

this posting is an attempt to humour some people and put a smile on their face.

take it as you will

9th Nov 2002, 01:04
I will resist succumbing to Political Correctness or as the highly esteemed and respected journalist Mr Frank Devine more correctly describes as Coercive Sanction.

But only for as long as it stays in the flavour on which it was offered by Sonique.

Tool Time Two
9th Nov 2002, 01:44
Sonique - if your point is that of COB - what was the point?
Not much I suggest.:cool:

Buster Hyman
9th Nov 2002, 07:59
Well, I appreciate a joke too, and black humour has some value in certain conditions, but I can just imagine what people like Dr Mahatir would do with this sort of ammo!

9th Nov 2002, 08:33
Nice poem...

Wouldnt go down well in Bankstown Square though....


the wizard of auz
9th Nov 2002, 08:45
Better watch out or Aussie Andy will send you a PM as well.he dont like that sort of thing. :rolleyes:

You better lock it Woomera or it'll get nasty I can just about gaurantee it.

9th Nov 2002, 09:41

About the ******** Dr I couldn't care less.

When he releases and gives his Deputy an unconditional pardon an unequivocal apology and restores him to his previous position, then I just might, but I can't gaurantee it, begin to take him only slightly seriously. :rolleyes:

TV footage of his fake "resignation" and the "quelle horreur" accompanied by tears, wailing and gnashing of teeth from the surrounding sycophants and subsequent recanting was the most hilarious piece of farce I have seen since "Fawlty Towers".

While I felt really embarrased for him, I was also a bit terrified that we have a close neighbour populated by a people who actually think that is normal behaviour for leaders.:rolleyes:

Fortunately I am not in the diplomatic service, because I would never be able to keep a straight face if I had to deal with him.

His Australia is a "dangerous" place for Muslims comment, is beneath contempt.:mad:

As Woomera points out we are now victims of Coercive Sanction within our own country and prevented from saying it like it is, even for a little bit of fun.:rolleyes:

Ever watched the Kumars??:D

Buster Hyman
9th Nov 2002, 09:54
Gaunty! I'm in agreeance with you 100%

It would be so easy for his type to twist such humour to be anti whatever his agenda was at the time.

As for the former deputy, I wouldn't be so sure about his innocence just yet. It seems they've had "evidence" on him for years, and when push came to shove, they used a very weak offence to try and crush any support for him. It makes me wonder as to the nature of the "real" evidence that they don't wish the locals to know about!?!

Ironically, I was told this by a very senior member of the Malaysian Police who just so happens to have retired to Oz & lives across the road!;)

10th Nov 2002, 00:38
Fortunately I am not in the diplomatic service.....

Yeah. Fortunately. For Australia and the rest of the world.......

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

10th Nov 2002, 02:25
Dr M, Lee KY, Bush, Saddam, Howard, Blair etc are just bloodey politicians doin what politicians do best: talking mindless sh!t. That is there intelectual limit. If they were inteligent people they wouldnt have chosen to become silly polticians would they.

Ive known a long time religious nutcases and politicians divide people whod otherwise be friends. No way anything they say reflects what the electors think. I couldnt give a sh!t what Dr M says nor what bloodey Howard says in reply. I know a few Malaysians and they say Dr M is full of idealogical crap 99% of the time anyway. And dont forget Mr Anwar who Dr M locked up was another ******** politician. If pollies locked each other up the world would be a better place.

Let the kids have there shelter-shed screaming match. It only proves yet again there simpley d!ckheads. Id rather look on and laugh at these clowns.

PS btw Sonique that little poem of yours has more truth to it than the Oz Unwashed will ever know!

19th Nov 2002, 21:47
Man I hate hearing what "racists" we Aussies are. Most Aussies don't know the meaning of the word.

Ever looked closely at the relationships between various Asian countries? The 20th century alone is rife with examples of TRUE RACISM between plenty of nations in that part of the world. And yet they can see we are so worked up ablout our appearance they gleefully place the label on us whenever someone mentions trying to prevent ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS constantly arriving. And WE WORRY ABOUT IT!!

Some of the most racist comments I've ever heard about another race have been made by citizens of a rich, austere, progressive and TINY country not far to our north-west... about their neighbours to the north and south.

And anyone here live in the sandier regions? Ever seen how they treat the expats, both skilled (usually westerners) and un-skilled (typically indo/paki/bangladeshi/etc)?? And just try to enter THEIR country illegally and see how they treat you. Make a Woomera visit seem like a T Bear's picnic. Can you imagine the outcry if We ran Aust like they run their lands? And WE'RE the racists???

Worry about what Dr.M thinks?? He can french-kiss my @rse. In lashing out at Aust he's spinning political BS no differently to the domestic version we constantly hear at home.

People like the Leftist of Borg are part of the problem, not the solution. The do-gooders and bleeding hearts lay a guilt trip on people for showing the slightest hint of concern over justified issues that are dealt with indiscriminately in other nations.

While I'm at it, the following seems a perfect example of the reasons behind a decline in regard for airline pilots:
That is there intelectual limit. If they were inteligent people ...
Dripping in irony...

22nd Nov 2002, 00:27
what a crack up. The saying "it's funny cause it's true" came to mind when I read the poem.

22nd Nov 2002, 18:52
Christ I laughed.

I suppose those who didn't wouldn't like Kevin Bloody Wilson either... :rolleyes:

Col. Walter E. Kurtz
23rd Nov 2002, 23:41
[QUOTE]Man I hate hearing what "racists" we Aussies are. Most Aussies don't know the meaning of the word.

The amount of denial that goes on in this country is bloody pathetic, and how short your memory is.

Australians forget how they treated '****'. As a European immigrant growing up in Australia, even in the 70's, 20 years after the massive post war immigration program, we were still villified as ****, wops, daigos, dapto dogs, spics, chockos etc etc.

For a bunch of people descendant from Irish/anglo/Celtic criminal stock, not exactly the centres of cultural excellence, and lacking any substantial culture apart from rum, sodomy and the lash, it is still easier to villify and dehumanise foreigners who live here, want to live here, or try to get in here any way they can, than to actually deal with the deep rooted inferiority complex that is so obviously prevalent and abundant in this country.

You have never known what it is like to have the Nazis trundle through your house, kill one or more members of your family, have to endure civil war, death squads taking your father away in the middle of the night, your brother disappearing, being tortured for expressing a political belief, having to die for freedom that is taken for granted here.

Yet you have the arrogance and ignorance to sit and generalise about people you have no idea about, what their past is, what suffering they may or may not have endured and laugh at a blatantly obviously racist 'poem' like that above.

That is the problem, denial. You can act as racists and then justify yourself by comparing levels of racism elsewhere. Racism is racism wherever it pervades.

Most of you have no idea what it feels like to be at the sharp end of it, and i don't mean as an expat, i mean as a bonafide citizen of foreign extraction. I mean for f*cks sake people can't even spell my name after 30 years.

If things keep getting worse, Australias oath of allegiance will include 'Arbeit mahct frei'

24th Nov 2002, 00:45
Just remind me how successful you would be in your native country?

I hold a British Passport and an Australian one. I get treated with less respect than the blow ins from across the English channel. Go figure.

Tool Time Two
24th Nov 2002, 05:15
Well Colonel, your post might be excused if it wasn't for it's foolishness.
You would do well to remember that the criminal stock to whom you refer, and who generally were transported for stealing bread to feed starving families, built the nation into which you immigrated.
The descendants of those criminals also served, and paid with their lives, to defend not only this nation, and country, but to rescue, perhaps, your native land from the ravages you described.
So be very careful about calling Australians of Anglo/Irish/Celtic heritage a bunch of rascists.
In the past, our countrymen have been among the first out of the blocks to volunteer, when aggressive bastards, such as Hitler and his henchmen, have decided to ravage their own kind.
Be warned, old boy, that when you write such drivel, you will not change anything other than someone's perception of your stupidity.:cool:

24th Nov 2002, 06:34
Colonel Walter E you act like a bloodey Aussie yourself mate. Your average yobbo Australian cannot diferentiate between racism and anti-culturalism. It appears you cant too. There are only 4 main global races but many cultures. It must be some non-Oz thing about you that draws the idiot comments from the brain-dead masses of the Unwashed.

Remember too that Australians have the right to express an opinion no matter how stupid that opinion might be (such as waterops with his smerky smart-arse crack at my spelling on the prev page). Name-calling is one thing, racism is something else entirely diferent. For true institutionalised racism try Singapore and S. Korea.

24th Nov 2002, 09:17
:rolleyes: Gosh kids, hate to break up a party before it really gets rolling, but in the interests of accuracy re 'racism', there ain't no such thing.

There is but one race on this here planet - the human one (not counting the the rat race). There are of course other species (animal).

Anti semitisim - yep, plenny o' that, and anti asian, anti black, anti white, anti christian, anti muslim, anti just-about-anything-you-like; but we are still all ONE RACE. Like it or leave it.:)

24th Nov 2002, 10:05
Jamair I was speaking anthropologicaly not idealisticaly. :rolleyes:

The 4 races of human species are Asian, Caucasian, Negro, and Polynesian.

Kaptin M
24th Nov 2002, 10:14

How could you forget THAT, Slasher!! :cool:

24th Nov 2002, 18:53
I suppose it's no longer PC to refer to 'Asian' as 'Mongoloid'? :rolleyes:

OTH, never knew that Polynesian is considered a separate race. What about Melanesian? :confused:

Chimbu chuckles
24th Nov 2002, 23:27
Nah I think Melanesians are something else again:D

Seriously though I think the (slightly less incorrect) term you're all groping for is Racialist rather than Racist. The problem with discussing this topic rationally is it's long been highjacked by the PC brigade and turned into something it's not...at least in Australia it has been, i.e. white against everyone else exclusively.

Racialist basically means considering some other race as inferior due purely to their colour/whatever. Clearly stupid. What actually happens in Australia as well as EVERY OTHER COUNTRY on the planet is people considering people from another country/region/colour as lesser.

The more I travel the more I see that people from every ethnic group behave the same way...what is generally considered Racist/Racialist...more often than not it's Institutionalised as a way of deflecting blame away from the inept Govt, PNG being a classic and close to home example. Malaysia's Mahatir another.

The other thing I see the more I travel is at the grass roots level ALL people are essentially the same...concerned about the same things, food , shelter and education for their children. Govts/Religions are the problem...or more accurately the vested interests and human failings of the people in them. The anti west sentiments of sections of the Islamic Faith being a classic recent example.

Yes Australia is a little Racialist, and yes we ALL tend to be a little that way as individuals as well, but do you know why I think Australia is one of the best countries to live in (as opposed to work in Slasher:) ) ?

Because as a Nation and as individuals we are vastly MORE tolerant and VASTLY less Racialist than just about anywhere I can think of!!

If we fight (through the kind of policies that promote Detention Centers for illegal immigrants) to protect the sanctuary that is Australia from the levels of violence and Racialism that permeates the rest of the globe then that's common sense pragmatism...not Racism.


24th Nov 2002, 23:41
I thought your post was excellent Chuckie. Should be a few more thinking posts like this. I enjoyed reading it.

25th Nov 2002, 00:30
Unfortunately the definition of "Racist" is a white person with an opinion a person from another race disagrees with!!

Intolerance of difference is hard-wired into the human brain. The measure of a civilised society is to recognise this and deal with it logically, rather than make base instincts a cultural norm.

3rd Dec 2002, 05:26
Yeh Tinny I thought it was 'Melanesian' too until I was corrected in strict anthropological circles to 'Polynesian'. I think the 2 can be loosely taken as one in the same though. And yeh its still strictly-speaking 'Mongoloid'. but the mongoloids around here call us 'round-eye bastards' or 'corked asians' not caucasians. :p

'wash yor namm?'


'Wash yor ass?'



'round-eye bastard'

orkair, corkt-aishen. Tankoobye!'

K.M. now how phillistine of me not to have mentioned that Master Race of all master races! Shame on me! After 2 years at a POW camp in the 4th Reich youd think I shouldve known that! :rolleyes:

Aussie Andy
3rd Dec 2002, 22:15
And what on earth does any of this have to do with flying - professional or otherwise?

Woomera: what are you thinking?

3rd Dec 2002, 22:51
Andys 1st question:
Its got absolutley nothing to do with flying. Thats why threads like this are very enjoyable!

Andys 2nd question:
Id imagine hes thinking like the rest of us: wondering where his next shag is coming from! :D

Sheep Guts
3rd Dec 2002, 23:20
Slasher your definition of 4 race groups is a little too generalistic.;)

How do you explain the Native North, Central and South Americans. They certainly dont fit physically into any of your categories.....Please dont talk about mass continental migration either I dont think we know enough about that yet, to be definitive.

Generalising, globalsing, mass profit taking we the " first world" have had a heap of fun. Its only now, since the improvement of information technology that the poor old "Third World,Second World" are getting tired of it or jealous of it.

I agree with Jamair and Chimbu, were all one human race we just havent worked how to accept and live with each other yet. Racism is a disease, that sadly has affected us all, not just Australians, Chinese,Indians,Africans etc etc etc.. :(

I am an Aussie Expat at the moment working overseas. Where I am, my so called race accounts for about 0.5% of the population. It makes it easier to understand the term" minority group"when the tables are turned so to speak.

Col. Walter, you are definitely angry about this issue, and obviously have been affected in the past. Lets hope your children and mine dont have to through ignorant abuse, due to misinformation or eduacation.

Information being the factor here, will save us from this, and thats whats good about forums and alike on the web. Even though this is an aviation forum its still a good talking forum, if we dont get carried away.

If you celebrate Xmas have a good one


4th Dec 2002, 00:41
Sheep G, they arent MY catagorys, they are anthropological catagorys. I didnt invent them. Anthropologists did.

On an idealistic level, if you want to know why we arent simpley one human race, try asking politicians and religious leaders. THEY are the ones who enjoy catagorising and dividing human beings for their own purposes (often to our own detriment if one listens to them).

12th Dec 2002, 09:58
to the Colonel: ever heard of the saying "FIFO"...think of which race it was that saved you from the Nazis you uneducated dh.

You are a true example of arrogant immigrants who decide not to respect the country which allowed them to come and stay...feel ashamed you troll because you are providing more meat in the anit-immigration sandwich. Take your comments and **** off back to where you came from.

I have no problem with honest refugees or immigrants who come to Australia and live a decent and respectful life...it's the drug dealing scum, the dodgy rip off merchants, the stupid gangs and the welfare cheats from the foreign countries who annoy me.

Long live Kevin Bloody Wilson...the most PC man I have ever met!

15th Dec 2002, 03:49
Aussie Andy

I am struggling with this one.

I have just recently attended a Paddy O'Brien Memorial Lecture at UWA where the speaker was the redoubtable Australian, Mr Frank Devine, now retired, but formerly Editor of the Chicago Tribune, New York Times, Australian and its predecessor and so on. In other words a fairly succesful career as a journalist and commentator who has walked with Kings, Presidents and PM's

He was honouring Paddy OBrien a well known a much respected Professor of politics (and some would say rabble rouser if they missed his true concern for all humanity) and a leader in the Republican debate, against, talked about the notion of Political Correctness with which we are afflicted as being more correctly termed "Coersive Sanction"

That is, the best and simplest way for any given "lobby" to derail and marginalise a legitimate discussion about matters concerning the "body politic" (that means us) was to play the demon "racist", "religious", "historical" or other card.

He then went on to illustrate the way that the "multicultural agenda" had been run in that manner by our political masters of the time.

It would not be fair to paint his talk as pro or con any political line or agenda as he was equally scathing of all, in their attempts and
saddened by the fact that for most the "PC" movement had provided a dubious "moral excuse" to most of us for not debating in public, matters that should be.

By doing so, we abrogate our right to claim surprise, when we find ourselves in a regime in which we are not really comfortable.

Note the reactions to a statement of fact by Slasher

............they arent MY catagorys, they are anthropological catagorys. I didnt invent them. Anthropologists did.

On an idealistic level, if you want to know why we arent simpley one human race, try asking politicians and religious leaders. THEY are the ones who enjoy catagorising and dividing human beings for their own purposes (often to our own detriment if one listens to them).

You can't argue with that as a proposition, but it still brings emotive reactions.

I'm not saying whether the emotive reactions are legitimate or not, simply a reaction from the trained or embedded[b] perspective of the [b]observer.

We should be debating is whether or not that is legitimate .

16th Dec 2002, 04:14
I really do get fed up with this "racist" / "non-racist" debate. For one thing, the poem that started this thread is pretty accurate, regardless of which country you are in. This would be equally true in the UK as in Oz. I seem to recall Giles cartoons from the '70's and early '80's pretty much depicting the same thing.

I recall reading somewhere that in the strictest sense, we should use the term tribalistic rather than racist, as that is what it really comes down too. There will always be someone from one "tribe" or the other that dislikes a person from another tribe. Some of the most tribalistic people are Africans, who constantly snipe at other tribes in their region (snipe being a mild term) yet if one of those tribal members hear a bad word from a Caucasian, then, by God, he is termed a "racist". Even though the tribal member not five minutes before was slanging off about another tribe.

In the long term, does it not come down to a persons beliefs rather than a tribes beliefs? I have heard blatantly "tribalistic" remarks from Australians and I have met people who are just totally "tribal" blind. Which one makes the Australian people? My kids, Caucasians, do not seem to care whether their friends are Malaysian, Indian, African or Americans. To them it does not really matter. I am so damn glad that they think like that and have the freedom to act like that.

Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs, whether this is "racist" or multi cultural or whatever term you want to apply to it. The only time that it makes a difference is where it impinges on anothers personal space. A well thought out argument from the right is as acceptable to me as a well thought out argument from the left. However, someone from the right standing up and making derogatory remarks pisses me off just as much as someone from the left standing up and saying that someone is racist just because they agree with a poem that is posted on this thread.

I don't like the way the illegal immigrants flood into this country and get even more annoyed when they riot because their applications have been turned down. This does not make me a racist/ tribalist or anything, apart from a law abiding (reasonably) ;) citizen who sees more need for my hard earned tax dollars going to the already needy in this country than to someone from outside who tries to sneak into this country.