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View Full Version : Girls try to open plane door

6th Nov 2002, 09:36
From Yahoo! News:

Wednesday November 6, 09:11 PM

Three teenaged girl prisoners forced a plane to make an emergency landing after one tried to open the aircraft's door in mid-air over country NSW.

Four police officers had to subdue the girls when a scuffle broke out and the attempt was made to open the door.

The eight-seater charter plane was being used to transport the trio, aged 13, 15 and 17, from a Childrens Court appearance in Bourke to custody in Sydney.

The flight had reached an altitude of 2,750 metres and was just south of Dubbo when the scuffle began about 11.20am (AEDT).

Police said one girl became highly agitated and a melee broke out in the small cabin of the Piper Navajo.

Mudgee Inspector Richard Brown said the girls, who were all handcuffed, lashed out at police.

"They all started playing up, they were being violent, kicking and lashing out," Insp Brown said.

"One of the girls has then taken the cover off the emergency exit handle.

"It was an all-in - although she was the one who probably caused the most fear for everybody on board because she was the one going for the handle."

"Once this happened the other girls have gone off, and basically it was a a bit of melee in the cabin of a small aircraft," he said.

Insp Brown said one girl was wielding a plaster cast, swinging it at police, windows and other objects.

The pilot immediately radioed they were having a problem and arranged an emergency landing at Mudgee.

Police said the girls had earlier faced a Childrens Court on an array of charges, including breach of bail, malicious damage, resisting police and affray.

Insp Brown said the girls had been remanded into custody at Sydney's Yasmar Juvenile Justice Centre.

It's understood two of the girls were already inmates at Yasmar.

A NSW Police spokeswoman said the girls could face federal and state charges over today's emergency.

The four police senior constables - two men and and two women - and at least one of the girls had resumed the flight to Sydney and were expected to arrive at Bankstown airport about 6.15pm.

Thank god they were handcuffed, it could have ended up far worse...

Well done to the pilot involved for the safe landing.

6th Nov 2002, 11:27
This is unbelievable! Police send people with a criminal history on an aircraft with seemingly inadequate supervision. I wonder if the company hired to transport such people might change the requirements of their passengers' restraint. I'm concerned fatalities may result if this was to re-occur. :eek:

The parents of the mentioned minors have a pilot to be very thankful towards for bringing everyone back to ground safely.

6th Nov 2002, 13:06
Sound like some lovely girls to bring home to mum! Hate to think what would have happened had they not been in handcuffs!

6th Nov 2002, 21:48
reminds me of a crash story i as told of in PNG.
fight breaks out in the rear end of a Twotter?
all rush to the back to stop the fight.
CoG is outside somewhere and all/many end up dead after the inevitable crash.

Desert Flower
7th Nov 2002, 00:15
There is no doubt in my mind what "colour" these girls were. Going by what some of them are like in my area I would say it's par for the course!

High Altitude
7th Nov 2002, 00:40
But did you like the digital renactment on 7 news of the plane wobbling all over the sky, going up, going down... I am certain that unless the pilot was being battered around that the violent pitch changes depicted on the news wouldn't have happened...

Hugh Jarse
7th Nov 2002, 01:47
Probably the same footage used to cover Y***a Airlines little pitch trim problem a couple of years ago. :eek:

Sorry to rain on your parade, DF, but the footage showed a very caucasian female being led away....

7th Nov 2002, 01:59
Oi Hugh

I know where I can get an only slightly used C124, always did hanker after driving one of them ones. It's gotta have the jet engine thingys though.

With some weldmesh and stuff we could start AUSCONAIR, wadda ya say.:rolleyes:

7th Nov 2002, 02:18
"Desert Flower"


There is no doubt in my mind what "colour" these girls were. Going by what some of them are like in my area I would say it's par for the course!


Goodness you're an open minded individual aren't you DF.
There may be no doubt in your bigoted mind but your racist comments say more about you than they do about these girls. As HJ says looks like some CAUCASIAN female - in any case why bring up the issue of "colour"?
I'm astonished that this is even a consideration worth mentioning, or are you just trying to show us how profound your powers of deduction are?

Hugh Jarse
7th Nov 2002, 02:40
Gaunty: You bring the MIG welder - I'll supply the GAShttp://www.stopstart.freeserve.co.uk/smilie/vscared.gif


Elvis the Spot King
7th Nov 2002, 02:42
Yes, the police officers were real "heroes". Four cops and 3 teenage girls in cuffs. Send women to do a man's job and this is what happens. Women just don't have the strength. This is not sexist, just a statement of fact. Of course you have weak men, but they should not be used on prisoner transport.

7th Nov 2002, 05:15
Mind you, what did the girls think they were going to do once they had the door open at 2750 metres?:eek: :rolleyes: :(

Aussie Andy
7th Nov 2002, 06:10
Desert Flower - racism alive and well there I see mate!? :mad: There were too many like you when I lived in Hedland. Pull your head in t*sser.

the wizard of auz
7th Nov 2002, 07:05
Aussie Andy, if you lived in hedland now you would have a different opinion..................most that live in hedland ( I lived there once too) have formed an opinion on the product that has been presented to em by the people the opinion is being formed about. think about it buddy, if you lived there you would know what I am talking about. nothing like a mob of people ripping off ya car and stoning ya dog and belting ya kids and urinating on ya missus when she is out shopping to make ya form a very sound opinion. and as for tosser..........yup seen em doing that in sth hedland as well.
wake up buddy.look at the real world.its out there and it aint nice.

Hugh Jarse
7th Nov 2002, 07:14
Actually, getting back on the topic. The cops should have just let those concerned complete their escape attempt and save the Taxpayer some money.:p

Now that's blonde ambition :eek:

the wizard of auz
7th Nov 2002, 07:49
I agree...............getting back to the subject we were on originally,. what on earth where they going to do after they got the door open..............should have let them go and make their big escape..would have been very easy to re apprehend em..and I bet they wouldnt do it again.

7th Nov 2002, 08:55
It might well get worse. The girls could take legal action against the pilot and custodial officers for failure to take adequate measures to prevent the aircraft from being placed in hazard. What's worse, they might even win the case!

One thing is for sure. If they decide to do so, there will be a lawyer somewhere who will represent them. Lawyers....:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Aussie Andy
7th Nov 2002, 09:32
look at the real world.its out there and it aint nice. Yep, you're right: when I look, I see racists like you.

I do not believe this is an appropriate forum for guys like you and df to air racist views which should have no part in a GA forum, and appear from what is said above to have no legitimate context in the case in hand either.

I have complained to the moderator regarding both of your posts which I believe should be deleted as they are entirely inappropriate.

Planned Root
7th Nov 2002, 10:45

Aussie Andy
7th Nov 2002, 11:03
Racist knob http://www.stopstart.freeserve.co.uk/smilie/moon.gif