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View Full Version : Going solo before applying to BA CEP?

Patsy 001
3rd May 2001, 00:47
Hows it going everyone?

Just wondering, should I wait to go solo before applying to BA as it will reflect more on my ability to fly a plane?

Or does it really matter?


3rd May 2001, 00:57
G'd evening,

I don't think that at that stage they'll be swayed either way by you having gone solo or not and they certainly won't make any inference about your ability to fly a plane.

They'll probably be more concerned that you meet the criteria and look like you have potential. Make sure you mention the fact that you're flying though (as if I need to say it :) )

Good Luck,

:) SpeedBird22 :)

3rd May 2001, 02:18
Why don't you do both....

Get the BA cogs turning (takes ages)

Go solo as well. At the interview this will be an excellent talking point demonstrating your commitment to flying-You raised the money to go solo/get ppl.


[This message has been edited by Cough (edited 02 May 2001).]

3rd May 2001, 02:52
..and if the two are roughly at the same time you'll still have the 'buzz' from the solo and it will bring out naturally your enthusiasm!! :)

G-XX...finals and hopefully land!