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View Full Version : Somebody please help me!

3rd May 2001, 00:24
I need to find a flight school in florida to do some hour building, but I have some special requirements:

1.I want to attend a school which has a good rep.
2.I don't want to pay much over $55 an hour.
3.I need good well maintained aircraft
4.I preferably want to go to a school near a city. I need bars and night clubs! I'm bringing a piss head of a mate!
5.There must s#$t loads of fit birds (who fancy pilots!)

has anyone had any experience with Suncoast flying services at clear water?

What's the florida weather like in July?


Jesus, this bogy's all over me...........

3rd May 2001, 01:29
1 & 2 you should have no problem with. 3,4 & 5 you may have a problem with. The folks at Suncoast were very friendly when I was there. Some very cheap accommodation available at a motel on a boat dock right on Clearwater Beach through SFS.

The weather is just right for practice flying IFR in thunderstorms if that's what you like! Fraid it's generally very hot, humid with plenty of towering cumulus in the afternoons. Mornings generally the best.