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View Full Version : I got my PPL today

2nd May 2001, 23:16

I finally got my grubby little mits on my PPL today!

The nice people at the CAA sent it back only 10 days after I sent in the application.

It also came with a swanky little imitation leather A5 sized binder.

It is funny to think that this little folder sums up all the studying, the exams, the R/T test, over 50 hours in the air and thousands of pounds. Not to mention all the frustration of being grounded in bad weather and the thrill of going solo for the first time and the satisfaction of passing the skill test.

It took me over 10 months to complete it. So long but it feels good now that I have.

I started in the UK and due to the weather I finished in LA.

Hang in there if you are still training. If anyone has any questions I'll be pleased to answer them.


2nd May 2001, 23:40
King of the world :) Congratulations dude.

3rd May 2001, 00:10
Well done and congratulations!
No doubt worth the wait and all that hard work!
So what's next?

Lady Heath
3rd May 2001, 00:15
Welcome to the world of pilots Gazeem :) Big handshake to you :)

3rd May 2001, 00:44
Nice one and congratulations!!

I'll hopefully be joining you soon if the sun ever gets his hat on...


3rd May 2001, 01:00
I am waiting for mine to come back from the CAA - it is now 10 working days since they had it so one can only hope that it will be in the post tomorrow.

3rd May 2001, 01:09
Congratulations Gazeem, i'm sure you'll be on cloud nine for a few more days, great feeling eh.
it's a great achievement and a licence to learn. well done

3rd May 2001, 03:27
Well done mate ! Fly safe

3rd May 2001, 03:39
good job!!! Hang up there!!! See you in the sky!!!!

3rd May 2001, 12:31
Well done, see you up there!

Flight Stimulator
3rd May 2001, 14:45
What you going to do with it now? Do you plan to go cpl/Instructor/Fun or what?
Congratulations anyway, only hope I can join you in the sky one day. Finaly do you recomend USA or UK? Cheers Gary

3rd May 2001, 14:56
Very well done, best feeling in the world - get your free issues of flyer now (if they're still doing them)


3rd May 2001, 15:15
Welcome in the air....may you have many happy landings and pleasent times in the air(...mile high club for instance) :) :) :)

all the best

3rd May 2001, 22:04
Well done mate what's next then?, I can remember when I got mine! :)

4th May 2001, 00:56
Well done Gazeem! :) I'm doing mine on Saturday or Sunday (weather permitting).

I have a question for anyone willing to answer (and forgive my ignorance):

Why are some 'Qualified' when they are waiting to get a PPL? Is the qualified referring to something PPRuNe-related?


737-NG First Officer
4th May 2001, 01:55
http://www.stopstart.fsnet.co.uk/smilie/smildeck.gif http://www.stopstart.fsnet.co.uk/smilie/rafwings.gif
A quick flypast in honour of your achievment!