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View Full Version : Ground Exams (Taiwan)

Snot Box
31st Oct 2002, 07:26
Just wondering if anyone has any idea what I should expect of the ground exams for Taiwan? Are there books I should pick up to prepare for these exams and how difficult are they compared to the North American exams?

I also have to do their medical...if anyone can shed some light as to what to watch for, I would appreciate it!

Thank you folks!

31st Oct 2002, 09:30
Good luck up there ya big hunk! No mother/ daughter chop-ups

until the study is over,OK!

31st Oct 2002, 11:28
Snot Box:

That is the first I have heard of ground exams in Taiwan. What are they for ? When I worked there ( 1995-1998 ) they just converted my certificate with no questions.

The medical on the other hand is quite thorough. It used to be a two day affair at the CAA medical facility in the terminal at Sungshan. I imagine it is still the same. I can't remember the exact sequence but it includes: Stress EKG, resting EKG, full eye exam, full hearing test, chest x-ray, abdominal x-ray, blood tests, lung capacity, brain wave, and some fun little coordination/depth perception exercises. Essentially, your basic astronaut physical.

Have fun,
