View Full Version : Air Botnia pilots to Finnair?

Nick Figaretto
30th Oct 2002, 22:45
The rumour says that the majority of pilots at Air Botnia are applying for a job at Finnair these days.

Does anyone have more info on this?

31st Oct 2002, 06:02
It is possible. But the rumours are often that everyone is leaving to go to SIA, FR, BA blah blah blah. I understand that not everyone at Air Botnia is immensely happy with being in the shadow of SAS and ISTR reading that Finnair were looking for quite a few pilots of certain ratings. Apparently you just can't get the military-trained pilots like you used to do::)

2nd Nov 2002, 01:12
I attend The Finnish aviation school`s tests couple of weeks ago and there was quite many quys from Botnia. They were talking about how the flu concur to get them right now and who is the biggest betrayer. All seemed to have great fun. They also talked about numbers, one said 70 and other was sure that it was 57 at the moment, all agreed count beeing over 50%.

2nd Nov 2002, 03:48
The correct ammount is 32 , but not more then mostly 5 will be taken in.
I think this diskussion is idiotic, most of the flight crews at Botnia are happy.
Some rotten eggs in every company.

2nd Nov 2002, 09:21
I am not sure if is correct to categorize l people that want to advance in their career as rotten eggs. Some like it in the regional world some donīt and want to move on.

Recently I was provided with all the salary details of Air Botnia just a while ago. Let me tell you, I would not move my left index finger for that money, let alone fly in the Finnish winter.
I got the same details for Golden Air and even worse. Pilots in Finland and Sweden seem to be the worst paid in Europe.

Correct me if I am wrong , but I was under the impression that average Botnia pilots flies about 400 some hours a year? Donīt think thats enough to have fun. Iīd be looking for another job.

Kiitti vaan ja Thunder:rolleyes:

Fadec Off
3rd Nov 2002, 12:38
Before you gyus from west india or the savannies of blackest Africa start to state your opinions as facts I would like to say also something.
Pay scale at KF ain't so good as it is in many of the companies over the globe but it ain't the worst either. Actually basic salary for newbie is same or even bit better than in AY. Improvement of that basic pay is of course less than in majors but it ain't so bad that I would not "move my left ****ing finger". At the end of the pay scale after 20 years of service gap between AY and KF is the greatest (aprx. 60% of AY at KF).
The fact why many pilots have applied is not necessarily the money but the career like somebody said, some like it big some are fine with the smaller tools ;) another reason is ofcourse the benefits at bigger airline, one may feel their job more secured at majors, which may not always be true in this world we live in. Last but not least was that KF pilots had very very difficult time in last two years to negotiate their new collective agreenment and that ain't over yet and for that reason one may also be looking for greener grass, which also may not be so.
The bottom line is that stop wheening about something you are not familiar with, please and if you are getting more money there where you are be happy, put it in your pockets and go hunt some elephants...:) 'cause happiness ain't always the biggest paycheck, trust me I've tried.

3rd Nov 2002, 16:55

Nick Figaretto
3rd Nov 2002, 17:19
The correct ammount is 32 , but not more then mostly 5 will be taken in. How do you know that only 5 Botnia pilots will be accepted in Finnair? (If I read your reply correctly...)

3rd Nov 2002, 21:30
Yeap! Correct amount is not 32 and nor 5 will be accepted. Majority has applied and for reason that AY has not been looking pilots like this. And nowbody knows how many will be accepted because they even themselves know how many they need.
Usually it has been sharade for to accept military pilots but as we now today this is not the case.
187 applied 88 got for preselection and only god an AY knows how many will go fo next step.
"Monday shows some happy faces"

And my index finger has not been working for long time now...
But still I my pay my taxes( almost biggest in Europe) and live on.
How'bout in Africa. Bet is's fun and educating to live and work there. Thumbs up for your safe journeys.

Ps If you think I need de-icing go for it!

Fadec Off
4th Nov 2002, 20:30
Hi JJFlyer,

I'm not going to descent to do it at this level...

Oh really...


Hi there Ludde,

Do you really consider everybody applying for new job as rotten eggs :mad: and :eek: IF you were an pilot you would know... life is not that simple nor it's black and white.

Sounds like a bitter man to me

13th Nov 2002, 13:36
I rarely read these "7 days magazines" like this, but I think some guys here should keep their "snake in a cage" for a while...

JJFlyer: This is especially true with you. I think you are in a "child state" as long you as keep talking BS about salaries at certain Finnish companies... If you do this or anything else in your life just for money I won't predict a very long career for you... The oldest profession in the world is...? Ok, I let's cut the crap now. Have a nice time at Kilimanjaro anyway! One more thing. My index finger is certainly not pointing to Africa... This is my personal opinion. Not to be considered as fact.

Ludde: Here is where I strongly agree with JJflyer. Planning a career thorougly is something different than being "a rotten egg". I think you should really grow up with this matter. Firstly, I think there is a separate corner for dispatchers in this rumour network! Don't mess up with things you're not familiar with. PPL at US doesn't make you necessarily an Airline Pilot in this part of the world as you have propably noticed...

13th Nov 2002, 19:30
A good point Dolcevita

I started to fly for flyings sake and still do I think I never said I was flying for money now did I ? Unfortunately world is an unfair place and it is only money that keeps bringing bread on the table, can you argue that? Bigger pay bigger bread.

Flying as Expat in Middle-East, Americas, Africa and elsewhere in Europe has kept my bank account in the green and , mind you, no taxes.

Coming to the salaries in Finland, even while washing my elephant on the slopes of Kilimanjaro, I have been able to keep myself quite well briefed on that subject :p

eiku moi

17th Dec 2002, 22:10
Have heard that AB have released the potential on the whole company when "releashing" three pilots from their duties. And nevertheless one of them chief of flight trainining. They must be so stupid or are they??

Crash is expected. Virtual or real. With so much of improper use of command chain. Nogood people on managin posts.'

Reply" I'm charge of everything, but cant manage nothing!"

How unbelievable or how ****ing stupid:mad: