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30th Oct 2002, 13:07
Helicopter Seminar Farnborough 19th November 2002.

Are any other ppuner attending? Was there last year and it was a rushed but interesting day. Last Year (http://www.pprune.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=19168)

Maybe a mini bash / alcohol fuelled discussion group in the evening? :cool:

What Limits
30th Oct 2002, 13:58
Sounds like fun, how do we get on the list of attendees?

30th Oct 2002, 15:38
Think the list is probably full judging by the letter I received but think there is a reserve.

Safety Regulation Group, GA Department, CAA.

Tel: 01293 573225.

Email: [email protected]

It cost £40.00 - details were in the new version of GASIL, (Can't remember if they changed the name) or try the website maybe?

30th Oct 2002, 19:33
I'm going. Missed last year's, but managed to book in time this year. I was planning on driving home after it, but if we're having a mini-bash, I might stay down south for another night.

The Nr Fairy
31st Oct 2002, 05:52
I'm game. Having the freedom to "work from home" a lot at the moment means I should be able to make a bash around then without grief from either work or home.

I won't be at the Seminar, but last year's was interesting.

31st Oct 2002, 10:04
Never been. What does it cover? Bash sounds like fun though, nice to put faces to alias'

1st Nov 2002, 12:50
I'm up ferrit if I can 'work from home' that day ;) ;)

Might fly-in if the UK's 10 month rainy season hasn't yet started...

Flying Lawyer
1st Nov 2002, 16:12
Fly in?
It's probaly worth it from where you're based, but anyone closer might want to check Farnborough's charges first ...........

I flew a Gazelle in to a meeting at the AAIB last year and was charged £58.75 for landing and 'handling'. :eek:
'Handling' includes being driven 40 yards from the parking area to the Ops building - but not to the other side of the airfield (where I suspect the Seminar will be held). They call an outside taxi service to drive out to the airfield to take you there - at your expense.
In fairness, I should point out that I whinged so much that they eventually, and extremely reluctantly, agreed to drive me over - but stressed this was a one-off concession which was against the rules etc etc etc and I'd have to make my own arrangements for getting back!
The lady driving the minibus explained they don't want to encourage 'small aircraft'. I thought of pointing out I haven't got a Chinook rating (or access to a Chinook for that matter) but as I didn't want to risk being dumped in the middle of nowhere, decided a non-committal "Ah,ha" was wiser. :)

1st Nov 2002, 22:24
I know a couple of people flew in last year but not sure if the charges were waived? Doubt it! Up for it if anyone wants to fly in from Redhill or LGW....

Don't know the layout of the airfield FL, but last year the seminar was in the QUINETEC building, on the opposite side of the field to the AAIB hangers we were bussed to the AAIB for that bit.

There seems to be some interest in the drinkies so does anyone know where is a good close place.

Whirly - thinking of staying the night before too - have you found somewhere near and cheap?

2nd Nov 2002, 09:35
No, apart from booking for the seminar I've done nothing - don't know where it is, where to find accommodation, haven't even looked on a map to find out where Farnborough is anyhow! :eek: :D I could find it from the air - but I'll be driving! If you find anywhere good/cheap to stay, let me know - and maybe we can have a two-night mini-bash. :)

7th Nov 2002, 13:39
Hoping to be there for the seminar with my twin brother and a couple of others, flying down in a R44. Unless the weather is rubbish, in which case we'll be in the charabang.

Apparently all the tickets have been allocated but there's a reserves list which may get a look-in if some drop out.

10th Nov 2002, 18:55
I am going as well. I will be driving though as I stopped relying on aerial transport to actually get somewhere at a specified time years ago.

Look forward to seeing you there.

11th Nov 2002, 13:49
I'm in the process of trying to find some accommodation for the Monday night - and there isn't much in Farnborough and most of it's full. :( If I find anywhere with more than one room I'll let the rest of you know; email me if you need anywhere (or if you've found anywhere too; I'm not sure yet that I have). Time, work, money etc mean I'm going to drive home on Tuesday, but if anyone wants to meet for a quiet drink/minibash/whatever on Monday night, a wellknown PPRuNer recommends the Monkey Puzzle in Pystock, which doesn't seem to be marked on my road map, but is just outside Farnborough. If I turn up there, if I can find it, does anyone else fancy joining me?

14th Nov 2002, 08:55
OK, seems there are no rooms at B & Bs in Farnborough for one night, unless you're prepared to pay for a double room. :mad:

I'm staying at the Fleet Motorway Services place (Days Inn I think) on Monday night; it's horribly expensive (£55), but the alternatives were spending more time and money phoning further afield, or getting up at 3am to drive down from North Wales. I think they still have room, if anyone else needs a place to stay.

If anyone else is interested, I suggest we meet at the Monkey Puzzle in Pyestock at, say, 8pm on Monday night. Apparently it's on the west side of Farnborough, on the main road in from Junction 4a, and easy to find.

Does anyone else want to come? Is this a mini-bash? Or shall I just have a quiet meal and drink by myself and an early night before the seminar?

15th Nov 2002, 17:17
Well as I can't find a room either I shall be driving up early on the 19th.

Sorry WhirlyI can't justify the cost of two trips so won't be able to make the 'bash'.

If things change I ll let you know....
