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View Full Version : Instrument Rating Advice

24th Oct 2002, 08:04
G'day all. Just after some advice. I am shopping around for my Instrument Rating and was just wondering whether it is worth paying the extra $1500 or so for adding on the ILS. I have heard that if you require it later on you can get it on a renewal. Is it worth doing it this way, or just getting it with the initial? Was just wondering if anyone could give me some advice on this. Thanks in advance.

24th Oct 2002, 08:16
Some questions for you first...

1. What sort of licence do you have?

2. What part of Australia?

3. Where are you planning to operate?

4. Are you employed as a pilot yet or not?

5. Depending on above, what are your plans after gaining your CIR?

6. Is the organistaion you are going to train with using a synthetic trainer for some of the training? Are they using single & multi? This assumes you want a ME CIR.

24th Oct 2002, 09:24
ICARUS2001- thanks for your reply. Just to elaborate a bit further;

* I have a CPL, with about 1000 hours
* I would be looking for charter work up the east coast or up
* The organisation does use a synthetic trainer for some of the
* It will be a ME CIR.

Thanks again!

Towering Q
26th Oct 2002, 04:00
I wouldn't bother with the ILS unless you plan to use it frequently. The 35 day currency period is a pain. It really depends on your situation.

Where I work I could count the number of times on one hand that I have flown to an airport that has an ILS...and that was always with 8/8 of severe clear.