View Full Version : $55!

30th Apr 2001, 17:26
$55! that's all I what to pay per hour for a 50 hour block in a PA-28 in the states.

Also I would like to go somewhere rucking hot and sunny. :)

I know Anglo American Aviation in San-diego offers this price but this year I want to try a different school

Can anyone give any sugestions?
Jesus, this bogy's all over me...........

[This message has been edited by bottle2throttle (edited 30 April 2001).]

30th Apr 2001, 17:55
Try Albert Whittle in St Petersburg Tampa Fla
last year it was about $55 for a C172. Didn't enquire about block rates.
Good Luck

30th Apr 2001, 18:20

I'll have a look, sounds promising!

Jesus, this bogy's all over me...........

30th Apr 2001, 18:29

Last Summer I paid about $50 for PA28 at Air Desert Pacific in Brackett (LA)

[This message has been edited by Joaqu'n (edited 30 April 2001).]

30th Apr 2001, 20:23
For Bottle2throttle

When were you at Anglo American? I was there August last year. My instructor was the chap who was unfortunately killed in an accident in October. I wondered if you'd heard anything more about it?

1st May 2001, 02:03
Try Texas,pigging hot at the moment.was there last month.I flew the Archer11 I think the warrior was about $70 but for a block booking probably cheaper.Nice place,nice aircraft,nice people and cold Bud at the `chilli`s diner.....
Free cars as well.

1st May 2001, 14:22
Thanks a lot for the replies people - great help.

Lemoncake, I was there from the begining of July to the start of August.

I hadn't heard anything about any accident!!
I'm also quite worried . One of my friends last year became an instructor recently after I left, could you e-mail me and tell me more http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/eek.gif

Jesus, this bogy's all over me...........