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View Full Version : excel can help

15th Aug 2001, 01:17
Hi there gang,

Do-Do the veteran wannabie here, preparing for the BA tests – yet again!

Just wandering if anyone out there can remember how to get Microsoft excel to generate random sums i.e. addition and subtraction. There was a thread last year on the subject but due to problems with the pprune search facility I’m unable to find it.

Thanks in advance.

Hugh Jampton
15th Aug 2001, 03:13

you need to use the RAND worksheet function in Excel. Click on help and then look for RAND.

This function will return a number between 0 and 1. I suggest you multiply this by 100 (or 1000) and then round it to an integer using the ROUND worksheet function. Have a look in the excel help. It's easy!!


Kermit 180
15th Aug 2001, 11:57
Hi there. There's a post on forumlas using excel in the Computer Issues forum at present. May be of help.

Kermie http://www.stopstart.fsnet.co.uk/aircraft/stuka2.gif

15th Aug 2001, 12:52
I tried searching for the Excel version but couldn't find it. So I made the following (in Pascal):
