View Full Version : Anyone with Jet Provost experience?

30th Apr 2001, 16:48
I'm thinking seriously of joining JP flying and owners group at North Weald. Any members on this forum in this group who could give me more info.

Alternatively, anyone with experience of flying this bird have any advice?


1st May 2001, 01:16
;) Paul -G, I think you should seriously think about signing up for the funny farm ;)
If you do decide to commit this act of lunacy, bear in mind the spectacularly unforgiving nature of the JP.
It is (another) of those ex - mil aeroplanes which is best left to those who are current on type AND have recent fast jet experience.
Take a look at the record of recent fatal and serious injury accidents involving JPs.
Finally, if you still want to tread the path, I would strongly recommend that you spend some of your hard earned dosh at an organisation which maintains and operates the a/c,( I belive there such places at Norwich, Sandoft and Humberside). They will give you a proper low down on the aircraft and your suitability before you lay out a large wad elsewhere.
Best of luck! http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/cool.gif

1st May 2001, 12:21
Point taken - I wasn't planning to just pay my money and take to the skies. I believe the group contains experienced ex-mil pilots and insists sensibly on a comprehensive induction period, not just one circuit and it's yours.

I'd like to find out more about the nature of this aircraft with a view to joining a suitably supported group. North Weald appears to have 2 or 3 and I am aware of the School in Norwich which also operates them (as I was offered a CFI post there some years back).

About the funny farm - you've really got to be a bit mad to be in this business either because you were already or because it will drive you mad. I suppose that's one of the purposes of the psychometric testing - to test how much more madness can be driven out of this prospective recruit 8 )

Noisy Hooligan
1st May 2001, 12:38
Paul-g, don't listen to people who know very little about flying ex-military jets in civvy street. The JP was the RAFs initial training a/c for a long time, it is like every other a/c capable of getting off the ground - if you don't not respect it and fly it correctly, it will bite you.

If you would like to meet and discuss this and go for a zip in a JP before you decide, contact me, I have been flying these a/c for three years and also have a share iin a group of two a/c for sale.

Contact me through mail initially at [email protected]

Wizz, Bang, Pop !

The man formerly known as
1st May 2001, 16:15

Spoonbill may have a point but it applies to all aircraft. A 152 is dangerous in some peoples hands.(I've heard they crash also).

I've flown the one at N.Weald and it looks like a really good group. The best bit is they have 3 aircraft so when one goes tech there are two others to go at. (I always find this a problem with single aircraft groups).

I had no reason to doubt the training they were offering was excellent. As for it being a dodgy aircraft the RAF used to send people solo in these after 9 hours so they cant be that bad. The only catch I found was that they weren't more of a handfull. I'd rate a Pitts or a yak as more challenging and even an Arrow has more levers to make it fly.

The JP was superb at aerobatics and so smooth. One of the best bits is the noise they make (oh and you get to dress up in Helmets and Green overalls with fitted daggers)

Go for it. If I won the pools though it would have to be the Hunter.

1st May 2001, 18:52
If you're not pushing them to their limits it's unlikely that they'll find their way there alone. You've just got to be more prepared when you're near the edge. I know; I've done aeros.

I figure that this aircraft probably deserves lots more respect on the controls than most as it is accessible to anybody with a license, is much much faster than most people are used to, can do lots more things than most aircraft and is less likely to be flown regularly by those who fly it

Noisy Hooligan
2nd May 2001, 13:06
I will be at North Weald 'with me JPs' over the next few days, if anyone would like to have a look around them and a chat, please email me at [email protected] and we can arrange a time to meet.

Wizz, Bang, Pop !

2nd May 2001, 21:33
At the moment the RAF still use JPs although they only use them for flight line training know a few pilots who flew them you've just gotta read up on them make sure you check the tech log etc..., also get a few recomended engineers to take a look over her before you take her up! other-wise have fun ;)