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View Full Version : Streamline Aviation Short 360 rating???

28th Apr 2001, 22:22
Does anyone know anything about Streamline Aviations Short 360 rating and their holding pool system. I know it’s a weeks ground school and 7 hrs flying costing £7000. But how likely is getting a job with them afterwards, or any other short 360 operator come to that? Is there anyone out there who has done it? Was it worth it and how long were you in the pool for and how many people are actually in the pool? Also, if you do get work with them, how many hours flying do you get on average. Sorry it’s a lot of questions but I want to be sure before taking out yet another loan!!

28th Apr 2001, 22:34
Hi there,
I have just heard that a couple of guys that went to the same training school as me did that scheme and have just been offered a job by streamline. Not sure how long they had to wait though nor do I know the ins and out or the pros and cons.
Good luck anyway.
Regards Bok449

Luke SkyToddler
29th Apr 2001, 04:12
Jeezus H Christ - they better give you a job for that! Seriously, that is a LOT of folding green stuff just to fly a shed ... give or take another few hundred quid and you could have a 737 rating I hope you realize! I know it's all about multi turbine time, but I would certainly think long and hard if there wasn't anything guaranteed at the end.

Are they hauling freight/pax around in it at the same time as their FO's pay for the privilege of flying it I wonder?

[This message has been edited by Luke SkyToddler (edited 29 April 2001).]

29th Apr 2001, 09:58
Hi all.
On a similar note,does anyone know about Shed courses run by Shorts themselves?

29th Apr 2001, 16:05
They specifically say in their info. about the endorsement that they may offer a job as a result of completion of the course.

They don't guarantee the job, nor do they give any timeframe for being hired when, or even if, a position is available.

I certainly chose not to take them up on their 'offer'.

[This message has been edited by Tinstaafl (edited 29 April 2001).]

29th Apr 2001, 21:39
Tedbaker, my recommendation would be to take soundings from all the Shed operators. Give them a call and see what their requirements are and base your decision on that. Also ask the operators what they think of the Streamline deal.

For what it is worth, about 6 years ago I was looking for my first job, and was pushing Loganair. However, I was told by various sources that they would only look at someone with the SD 360 Tech exam under their belts. So I did it. Admitedly not the 7k you are talking about, but another wodge of wonga that I did not have. About 6 six months later I got the job, and a few of my contemporaries still had no sniff of a job. I had 260 hours when I started with Loganair to give you a benchmark.

I am not telling you that you should spend 7k. However, look at the market for Shed pilots, and take a decision based on your findings. My decision got me going, and 6 years down the road I am flying B757/767 for Britannia with interviews next month with Cathay and BA. I offrer this up as a ray of hope and not to be a swanky boots.

7k is a large amount of dough, so get as much info before you commit.

Good luck amigo.

30th Apr 2001, 01:34

Just remember that Streamline are only in the business of making money out of their type ratings. They dangle that little carrot to the Wannabe of a possible job on completion. Do remember that it is supply and demand and they can use the type rating as their selection process as well, so if they were looking for some pilots who would they take? Direct entry applicants with much more experience than 250hrs and possibly experience on a turine, a 'type rater' who sails through the course or one who scrapes through? Not trying to judge your ability as I don't know you, but be aware that if you don't fall into the 'sail through the type rating' category you stand very little chance of even an interview. Judge for yourself, but don't go spending another £7k 'in hope', do it because you know it will get you where you want to be.

1st May 2001, 01:55
Luke, seriously, can you get a 737 rating for under £8K? If so where? I'm not trying to be a smarty pants but this does sound kinda cheap.

1st May 2001, 14:57
Thanks guys. Some food for thought for me. Think I'm gonna sleep on it.

Shock Symbol
1st May 2001, 15:30
Hello Ted, I was just wondering when you are going to return my collection of crack whore magazines?

Public Enemy No.1
2nd May 2001, 12:46
And Can I borrow them? :)

Ted, I am in a similar position to you. Let us know what you decide!

No. 1

2nd May 2001, 22:45
Shock Symbol,
I've lent them to your Mum- AGIAN. x

Public Enemy,
Sure, as soon as the above has finished with them.

Love and cuddles