View Full Version : Apache at Wattisham?

16th Oct 2002, 13:25
Any news on the Apache operations at WTM?
I was told a couple of years ago they would arrive in two years,but no sign yet.
Getting bored with chasing Gazelles around Suffolk and need more of a challenge.

Talk Split
16th Oct 2002, 19:18
First regiment will convert en-mass in 18 months time so expect to see AH at EGUW from end of 2004. Start eating carrots if you want to see them 'cause they are going to end up night flying loads.

Muff Coupling
16th Oct 2002, 22:00
Er..bit out on the old calendar TS,

Dishcloth from Summer 03 - Summer 04 ish
Whatashame first unit Summer 04 - Summer 05 ish, might be a bit earlier, with a bit of cut and paste.

First possible en masse flock of AH around the DUA in the dark, about late 05, if you are lucky..WFM hits about the same time. Might see less of the type airborne than expected.


Best get some bloody good night vision binos, as most crew time will be spent in the FDS (Sim):eek:

17th Oct 2002, 16:38
TS & MC, thanks for the info.
Won't be holding my breath then.

owe ver chute
17th Oct 2002, 17:05
Hot off the press. First Sqn to Dishclothe Mar 04, then #2 in Sep 04, first to Wattashamble in Mar 05.
These dates are subject to change due to the fluid nature of the Army!;)

Flatus Veteranus
17th Oct 2002, 17:48
Per Ardua ad Profundum! :(

19th Oct 2002, 17:18
You'll have to excuse my ignorance here, but I only recently found out that the Apache will not be using NVG, instead relying entirely on FLIR for 'after hours' ops. If this is true, are there any plans to use NVG? Is it NVG compatible or would the use of NVG necessitate an expensive cockpit mod programme?

Flatus Veteranus
19th Oct 2002, 17:47
Please excuse my ignorance too; but should this question be either asked or answered on a public forum? :confused:

20th Oct 2002, 14:44
As I understand, it is well known that our American friends operate their Apaches without NVG. Therfore I don't consider that this question relates to anything particularly sneaky beaky.

20th Oct 2002, 16:32
Let us hope that santa will bring us one of these for xmas

Arrowhead Link (http://www.ets-news.com/night_rider.htm)

22nd Oct 2002, 05:16
Jeep, looking at the example photos, we've got one as good as that already on our new 135. :D

22nd Oct 2002, 12:42
Have you got airconditioned cockpits as well? If not, I am not interested.

owe ver chute
24th Oct 2002, 22:47
Hey Jeep, how are you enjoying Rucker?

25th Oct 2002, 15:12
Mother Rucker is treating this brit just fine.

owe ver chute
26th Oct 2002, 22:14
I'm glad you are enjoying Rucker, have you started teaching yet?

27th Oct 2002, 02:43
I give grammar and elocution lessons each day, but they won't let this rookie lose on a student for a few months yet. I am enjoying the World Series of Baseball though, and my dollar just looked a little more secure following the bottom of the eighth innings.

27th Oct 2002, 14:04
Tsk, tsk...only been there 5 minutes, and already he's going native!

You keep your identity boy. Don't let none o that southern hospitality fool ya.

31st Oct 2002, 01:00
"New Apache attack helicopters bought by the British Army will
have to be mothballed for up to four years because pilots cannot
be trained in time to fly them.

The National Audit Office (NAO) warns that the delay in the use
of the aircraft worth £3 billion could lead to a "significant
capability gap" for the Army because the missile system on its
ageing Lynx helicopter fleet cannot be upgraded.

The NAO criticised several aspects of the deal to buy the 67
Apache helicopters from Westland in 1995, including a decision
to award the training contract to a separate company and a lack
of vision about adapting the US helicopters to British standards.

The government awarded the training contract to ATIL, a
company jointly owned by Westland and Apache's US
manufacturer Boeing, after deeming Westland's sole offer too

But ATIL has suffered a series of mishaps, including technical
hitches with a flight training simulator that delayed its delivery by
17 months.

Also, the duration of the training courses has been extended
from 15 weeks to 26 weeks, partly because the helicopter is
now more sophisticated than first envisaged and partly because
the original programme failed to take into account that many
more flying days are likely to be lost to poor weather in Britain.

Of the helicopters already delivered, 25 have been stored in
hangars. Initial pilot training, originally scheduled for 2001, will
not start until September 2003 because of the lack of a flight
training simulator.

The delivery of a fully equipped regiment of 16 of the helicopters
is on track for February 2005, but another training programme for
144 pilots has been put back from April 2004 to February 2007.

The NAO says between 2002 and 2006 a "large number" of
Apaches, possibly more than half, will have to be stored in
hangars at a base in Shropshire at a cost of £6 million.

The watchdog also says the first Apache crews will have no
secure radio communications with British ground troops or other
helicopters because of delays with the Army's Bowman radio
system - but they will be able to speak to US forces."

The Guardian.

In Tor Wot
31st Oct 2002, 05:41
Just heard about this on the radio as well - SNAFU.

Just as well we gave such a capability to the Army to organise otherwise we might have wasted £47m a frame by sticking it in a hangar for an extra few years.

The words 'organise' 'brewery' and 'couldn't' fit into the phrase.:(

31st Oct 2002, 05:44
A churlish person might be tempted to gloat and say "I told you this would happen". Hands up all those who questioned the wisdom of sidelining TOW before the Apache was on-line.
But it's OK, higher rank means you automatically know better.

2nd Nov 2002, 13:38
why dont the army just give up on aviation and hand it back to the raf? after all the raf has given up its tanks and boats so why dont the army see sense?

2nd Nov 2002, 16:31
Always someone else's fault!

owe ver chute
2nd Nov 2002, 22:05
I recall you being churlish over a beer or two.
Then again, so was I!!!!
How you keepin' mate?

Black E
3rd Nov 2002, 19:54
Could I just remind you all that the boss of the AHIPT wears Dark Blue, as do a number of the key players in the IPT; a couple of light blue uniforms have been let in as well, so leave the poor pongos alone and blame the WAFUs.......:eek:

4th Nov 2002, 17:51
Understand from the press that the Apache is fitted for, but not with, a Pilot.