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View Full Version : Deleting BA Online application - what happens - help?

28th Apr 2001, 21:55
Since I can't get the application forms from BA until this Aug when the A-Level results are out I decided to have a go at the online one for practice with no intention of sending it off. However I have noticed that I have 90 days until it will be automatically deleted. I thought nothing of it at first but then found out that the application will be deleted permanently. Im kind of worried at the moment because since its well over 90 days before my results are out, it is going to be permanently deleted whether I like it or not.

My question is, does this only mean that I can't do an online application again once it is deleted and will I still be able to get the application forms, etc from BA in the post once I have my results despite the online form getting deleted?

Im afraid Iam very confused about the whole thing and would really appreciate it if someone can make it all clear to me.


28th Apr 2001, 22:05

Why don't you write what you need to in a Word document. Then just copy and paste the contents into the online application form when you need to. It'll get rid of those spelling mistakes too!

"deleted" means precisely that. It will be like you never registered in the first place........why don't you chill!

[This message has been edited by Slipslide (edited 28 April 2001).]

29th Apr 2001, 03:04
As said before deleted is just deleted.

BA don't look at it until u have hit the submit button, u can edit it, delete it do what u want with it until u hit the final send button.


29th Apr 2001, 15:27
Thanks lads,

Appreciate it, sorry for jumping to the wrong conclusions about it.

All the best,

29th Apr 2001, 16:10
No- it's if you do not access it for 90 days that it is deleted.

29th Apr 2001, 19:32
Yup Lucifer's right - if you don't access it for 90 days then it'll disappear but as long as you keep going back it'll stay.

But to save the hassle of logging in every time just copy the questions onto word. It ain't difficult....

:) SB22 :)

29th Apr 2001, 21:03
Thanks Lucifer and Speedbird22 for that.
