View Full Version : Contaminated Fuel

28th Apr 2001, 21:26
This subject is also in the questions forum...

Has anybody ever had an Uplift of contaminated Fuel. If you have please let me know to settle an arguement, please state the airfield and aircraft. This is NOT a Blacklist of airfields just for reference and to prove a point that it is possible to get water contamination from a bowser

28th Apr 2001, 23:22
I've never had that problem with my aircraft the airports i use usually have reasonably good condition fuel Bowsers.

Which airport did you find this at??

29th Apr 2001, 00:13
I am afraid I cannot say which airfield however if anybody has had problems then I would like to hear from you...

WX Man
2nd May 2001, 12:02
The airfield I fly from once had a problem with contaminated fuel. Cost the operators £1000 to fix the engine.

Anyway, since then, there has been a rigorous set of procedures applied in order to avoid future contamination.

I very much doubt that we are talking about the same airfield; but I will say that if you've had a problem it could have very easily been avoided by the pump operators putting in even very simple precautions.

QNH 1013
2nd May 2001, 22:01
I think Intersection has asked a perfectly reasonable question. Why won't you give the name of the airport at which your post suggests you received contaminated fuel? After all, you are asking others to give exactly similar information to the information that you won't share.

Seems very odd and one-sided to me.

3rd May 2001, 01:33
QNH...I am sorry that you think that I am being one sided, I am just worried that people may have had the same problem as myself and come across a complete ddick of an airfield manager. If you want the full story then please e-mail me, I do not want to go around spreading rumours, all I want to know if it is a problem with my aircraft / fleet or has anybody else had the same problem. I want to know if it is possible, to uplift dangerous fuel, as an aformentioned aarse has said it isn't. Incidentally he came very close to being flat-packed.

3rd May 2001, 13:12
I picked up contaminated fuel once as a student pilot some years back.I had completed all of my pre-flight checks, including a fuel drain and taxied for fuel. I filled up and made the mistake of assuming that the fuel was sure to be ok.I taxied to the runway, powered up for take off and had an engine failure as I rotated. Luckily it was a long runway and I was able to get the nose wheel back down and the aircraft stopped, before I ran out of concrete. I learned the valuable lesson of never trusting fuel deliveries and I always now drain the tanks before starting, no matter if I have just landed and I am about to go again. You can never be too sure. This inccident happened at a busy GA airport with a very good reputation, at about midday, so mistakes can and will happen. Never let an accident be your fault, CHECK CHECK and CHECK again.

Regards BJF

3rd May 2001, 15:26

If you were to critisize the quality of MY fuel at MY airfield I`d storm off refuse to fuel you anymore just like any other self respecting manager.

Dont bother to check your fuel, its a waste of time . Its always OK ish.
