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View Full Version : How does the JAA question bank work?

28th Apr 2001, 02:51
How do the JAA ensure that each of the JAR state authorities have the same question bank? I constantly hear stories of the UK CAA removing and changing questions in their bank of questions... surely in years to come the UK question bank, for arguement sake, would be nothing like the French or Dutch, etc. and thus we no longer have the 'common' licensing exams for this stupid waste of time, paper and space system.

Is it possible the exams could become easier in one JAA state than another? (provided we are not the only state left using this stupid system in years to come!).

I also heard a rumour that the JAA was to be written off as an expensive failure and abolished... is this true?

28th Apr 2001, 12:29
As far as I know... but I might be wrong !

-The question are all the same in every country
- Exams take place at the same time (UTC)
- Questions are translated (apparently, it's not okay)
- There are 6.000 questions now
- They're all copyrighted, nobody can publish them except the JAA
- Once they reach 10.000 questions, the JAA will publish them...

But on the last point... I wouldn't really believe it since 10 years ago they said the questions would be published 5 years ago ! 'See what I mean ?

28th Apr 2001, 15:07

I recently did a JAA IR-exam and am going to do the CPL exam. Our authorities have already copletely introduced the JAR-FCL.

At present time it could be that somewhere there are easier exams because the JAA is very unevident and leaves much space of interpretation. But I can tell you that our exam was a horror. The authorities didn't help us very much, the gave us only 2 weeks before the exam some learning objectives(and these we already had from CAA homepage).
Thanks to our school and instructors almost everyone passed, but it was a lot of work and I think the school didnt't earn any penny of our course because they had to work so much for us.
One guy that does his ATPL in England told me that the CAA helps the students much more to pass the exams, so be happy that you live in UK.


Our Auth. said that on the JAA question bank there are so much stupid and senseless questions and the bank is so little, that there were just enough questions for one exam.

So as ouy see I am not so happy with the JAA and our Auth. that think we have to be the first who introduces the JAR-FCL.