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View Full Version : Anyone been in the Turbo Prop pool with CTC Aviation (ATP Academy)?

27th Apr 2001, 18:49
Just wondering if anyone has been in the Turbo Prop Pool with CTC Aviation (ATP Academy) and has had a recommendation to a regional operator (or any operator for that matter). If so, how long was it before you were offered a position.

"Jerry, just remember, it's NOT a LIE if YOU believe it." - George Costanza

Anti Freeze
27th Apr 2001, 22:33
Can you tell me about the ATP Academy, and how do you get in the pool ?

Buffy Summers
27th Apr 2001, 23:40
I knew of someone who was in the pool with CTC. Got offered another job shortly afterwards, in fact got offered 2 jobs shortly afterwards. It wasn't through the scheme.

30th Apr 2001, 03:43

Don't get the ATP pool mixed up with the ATP Turboprop pool.. they are different things.
As far as I know the Turboprop pool is still more of an idea than a reality.

Go for the ATP scheme and good luck, but be careful cause they love to wave their big chopping axe even after you've got on the scheme.

[This message has been edited by Loony_Pilot (edited 29 April 2001).]

30th Apr 2001, 14:37
Anti Freeze,

Go to their website at www.ctcaviation.com (http://www.ctcaviation.com) for all the details regarding the scheme. Good luck.

1st May 2001, 03:57
V1rotate and Anti Freeze

Are you both looking to apply for CTC. I am looking into it at the moment, but don't know anything about it. Ive checked their website and searched PPRuNe too. I would like to hear from anyone thats actually been through the process and would like to share their info. If either of you decide to give it a try email me if you would please.

Best Regards,

Homer ;)

Duff, Duff, that Wonderful stuff. Ummmmm Doughnuts

2nd May 2001, 13:26

A good scheme if you get on. Probably rather annoying if you don't. that is the way the threads run on the scheme.....pros from people on it, cons from those who didn't get in.

Loony Pilot,

As far as a chopping axe goes, I think that is a bit strong. The ATP standards are high. They make no bones about that much. If you get in and don't perform , you deserve to be dropped because they set their stall out early on and everyone is aware of the rules.

They don't drop people for the hell of it. It must cost them money to do so....and not to mention the client airline having to find another First Officer from somewhere....all round an unsatisfactory situation for the ATP, airline and cadet.

So, it is simple really. If you get in you have to work hard and show the necessary skills. If you don't I am sure like any other employer in the world, they will think twice about you.

A good scheme and it only costs 250 quid now.....or it did when I got in anyway.

Oh, and a last point. I believe the ATP Academy has supplied around 250 cadets to differing airlines. Only a handful have evr been chopped or fallen by the way side. And I mean only a handful, so stop painting it as being a one way street to unemployment. It is well worth applying to.

3rd May 2001, 01:38

Were you on a JMC 757 course at CTC?
I'm absolutely positive we know each other from OATS.. I'll email my real name and see if it rings a bell