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10th Aug 2001, 19:20
Just had some very disturbing news.
This afternoon I believe that PPSC has gone into adminstration. This is not meant to be liable-ous and is most certainly not meant to cause offence. I hope that I have not been strung along and I am definately not a wind up merchant. If anybody has any more information then I would be greatful to hear about it. I will pass any more info on as I hear about it.

It would seem that this is another case of a lack of students and companies getting to large in a decreasing market.

I sincerley hope that nobody looses out financially from this news...best of luck to you all.

Token Bird
10th Aug 2001, 19:27
I've just called them and yes, it's true. I spoke to the accountant who dissolved them! Sorry chaps.

Darn it! I was just about to sign up for distance learning. I don't where this leaves those of you already on courses,


[ 10 August 2001: Message edited by: Token Bird ]

[ 10 August 2001: Message edited by: Token Bird ]

[ 10 August 2001: Message edited by: Token Bird ]

10th Aug 2001, 19:39
As a student at Glasgow Collage of Nautical Studies I can recommend the full time course (£2500). The lecturers are extremely helpful, and the notes are good. However if you must do it distance learning there is only one place, and thats Oxford. Because they have so many students and so much feedback from exams their notes are very good.

10th Aug 2001, 20:31
Well, if this is true, and it looks to be the case, I would say that it is a real shame. I did my ATPL's there earlier this year, and thought they where very good and had lots of experience (I did the UK exams).

Well, I wonder if it is a sign of students drying up in terms of numbers not drink (that will never happen). Well my friends at Gatwick take note.

I'm down at PAT in the morning, so I'll get the low down then.

What a shame. To all you wannabies out there, rest assured, it'll put all your written tuition/distance learning costs up IMHO.


10th Aug 2001, 20:32
Bad week in all down at Bournemouth then.
First PanAm cease JAR training leaving PAT (in their words) "at a total loss.." and now this. Talk about a kick in the head to those students based in Bournemouth. I do hope things work out for all those concerned.

The times are a-changing. :(

10th Aug 2001, 21:07
This is a real shame!

I studied with PPSC on their correspondence course, and I felt that they were pretty good. I feel sad for the lecturers who (apart from one) always put in a lot of effort and were always there to help!

I also feel that this is a big shame because there has to be some competition to the really big schools, and I felt that PPSC were very good value for money.

Good luck to them and all who sailed in her.

10th Aug 2001, 21:08
Does anybody know whether the pre-exam refreshers are going ahead week after next? I'm flying over from the US for these prior to the exams in Sep and need to know PDQ. I've just tried to call them and there's no answer but I guess it's just after 6 pm.

10th Aug 2001, 21:20
Having forked out for:

Exam fees.
Brush-up course.
Three weeks off work.
B & B.

This is beginning to look like a disaster of unmitigated proportion, not to mention all the effort I've put in over the last 12 months. Anybody got any ideas or shall I just fall on my sword now! :eek: :mad: :eek: :mad: :eek: :mad: :eek:

10th Aug 2001, 22:13
Back to the top and hoping for an answer from someone who's got more info than me - which is everybody 'cos I know nothing!

10th Aug 2001, 22:17

Stand by. I'm down there tomorow first thing, and I'll report whatever I find probably last afternoon/early evening.

My sympathies to all down there, even the one instructor I had no time for.


10th Aug 2001, 22:36
Just heard from a reliable source that there will be no more training so those booked on the next consolidation course will have to look elesewhere.

Broken Wings
11th Aug 2001, 11:52
Great! I was grounded in 1998 and left the RAF in 2000 :( On Thursday I passed a Class 1(OML) :) On Friday morning I signed up for the Miltary Bridging package with PPSC as they new all about it :) Then I read this forum the next day :(

I count myself lucky though as my payment has not been actioned. I hope that those who are already signed up manage to get things resolved successfully.

Meanwhile I'll hunt for someone else.

11th Aug 2001, 12:42
Sorry indeed to hear about PPSC - they've been invaluable to many pilots over the years.

Regarding the Mil bridging package, I understand from the CAA that there is an organisation at Coventry (Atlantic Flight Training??) who either have, or are about to have, authority to conduct the course.

[ 11 August 2001: Message edited by: BEagle ]

11th Aug 2001, 12:45
Well if this is true than that is £627.07 down the drain!

Could have got my night-rating with that money..................


[ 11 August 2001: Message edited by: PFO ]

11th Aug 2001, 12:49
Sad news...and what does this tell you about the industry predicted pilot shortage...
Lack of incoming students.....well, you can work the rest out...

11th Aug 2001, 13:02
Sorry JB007, maybe it is the Stella induced headache but could you please expand on your post as I can't seem to think str8 this morning.



11th Aug 2001, 14:30
Lack of students in the system = lack of future pilots = pilot shortage !!

Airlines are still expanding and ordering A/craft..

aces low
11th Aug 2001, 15:00
As someone who has lost out to a collapse of a flying school a couple of years ago (Aviation Manchester for those of a curious nature) I can only offer my sympathies for those who have suffered by the 'administration' of PPSC. As a recent graduate of the PPSC programme I am sorry for students and instructors...although I have heard that SFT will take over the existing courses. Other than that ....always pay by credit card. No one organisation is too big to go under..

11th Aug 2001, 15:07
having all but finished the nav distance learning course, my question is this ;can you attend the brush-up course with another provider, or is all lost?
major piss off for all concerned!!!!
edited for not reading aces low reply first.
just hope the s.f.t. rumour is true.

[ 11 August 2001: Message edited by: schuler_tuned ]

Mr Man
11th Aug 2001, 16:14
I am also just completing module 1,in fact I was going to call and book the revision course for September on Monday.Received assesed exercise results yesterday and an Radio Nav update just 3 days ago!
I've just checked Bristols web sight and their module 1 differs from PPSC's (by 3 subjects).I expect it shall be a while before a competitor of PPSC's offers a suitable alternative,but this dosen't help if you are about to "peak" at the study curve.The whole JAA ATPL's seem to be causing nothing but heartache,not least to PPSC. :eek:

PPRuNe Towers
11th Aug 2001, 16:21

The training companies will be doing what they can to help out in the short term. Some will have a cynical view of this and others will see it as enlightened self interest.

Ultimately it is in their interests to go through a great deal of short term hassle and reorganisation of courses to help keep up the general reputation of the industry.

The underlying point though isn't so much numbers as incredibly small margins - competition is cut throat. Over on the FTO side of things both pay as you go and use of real credit cards as opposed to debit variants are good advice.

£60 per hour for decent sims and £250 or so per hour for I/R twins? Is that sustainable?

Mister Geezer
11th Aug 2001, 16:42
Not good news. I know a few people who went through PPSC and spoke very highly of them.

However I am sitting here asking myself, is the PPSC situation unique or does it paint a gloomy picture of the current situation that UK FTO's are in.

As I said not good news. I feel sorry for those who are affected by this unfortunate news.


11th Aug 2001, 17:09
Thanks to all of you who have offered their sympathy to the instructors and students of PPSC.
As the now ex-met instructor at PPSC, your kind remarks are welcome.
Looks like I suddenly got an unexpected holiday, like take the next 365 days as unpaid leave!
Those of you who have booked me for private tuition this month at my chalet, don't worry, it will go ahead as planned. Depending on the job scene I may stay around Bournemouth or leave the country.

So on behalf of myself and the other ten new members of the jobseekers club....thanks and good luck.

John Standen ex Met Instructor PPSC.

Send Clowns
11th Aug 2001, 17:21
I can confirm that late yesterday staff at SFT were working hard to respond to this problem. I am not certain how long it will take to sort, but would recommend anyone interested to call SFT on Monday (though be patient - Paula, a star among sales persons was extremely busy yesterday fielding calls!) on (01202) 599888.

I am not officially involved in the preparation of the offer to PPSC's students, so I don't know any details I am afraid. However if anyone wishes to know a little more about SFT in general email me. I started their modular course early last year, and on comlpetion I started to work for them. Therefore I know the company well. You can, of course also check out SFT's website (http://null) for more details about the company.

I am very sorry to hear about this event, realising the problems it is causing to students. However you decide to proceed, I hope none of you give up on a dream, and wish you the best of luck.

Mr Man
11th Aug 2001, 17:32
Hello Metsys
From a student(distance learning),it is difficult not to get caught in the self pity situation,and there is a degree of hurt at the suddenness of the news,however my sympathies are with you ,especially as I have talked to many students who have a lot of respect for you.I did not get to meet you(nearly did though) but found your videos helpful and shall in the future.It must be hard when you've put alot of effort into a project,the videos alone take much more effort than people imagine.
I am sure that I'll find another school,but I'm definately sure that your talents shall be snapped up.(Anyone that can even start to understand climatology must be worth good money)Best Wishes.
PS-The sun will shine tomorrow!

Midland Maniac
11th Aug 2001, 18:26
Sorry to hear about PPSC especially for people that have invested money in them. I am a student at SFT and I was cautious parting with my £30,000 and problems like that are always in the back of the mind.

I have several friends syudying at PPSC at the moment, I just hope that they haven't lost too much money!!!

Lets just hope that they all get sorted out and manage to carry on with there dreams to become airline pilots!!

MM :( :( :( :(

11th Aug 2001, 18:30
Metsys! Stu here, sorry about the situation, they have only just taken £150 deposit for the two week brush up from me. (money I could use to pay off a debt or two!) :D What can I do now, I'm 3/4 of the way through mod 2 distance learning and wanted to sit my exams in OCT, giving me 4 months to pick up any exams I dropped but now this will mean if I have to do another course with someone else I may run over the deadline, not to mention the difference in subjects! HELP! Can I get my money back? (if so it's yours!) and in your opinion could I still get an exam sign off from them? Doubt it but it may be worth a go. Maybe the CAA will give me an extension to complete the exams? also unlikley! grim situation....I'm off to find another career......Metsys I'll call you soon, good luck to the rest of you suffering the same bad luck ( underpaid good instructors included!)........TD2 :( :confused:

Alex Whittingham
11th Aug 2001, 18:38
I'm very sorry to hear the news. PPSC have always been a top rate school.

For those of you on courses the situation is not completely bleak. The CAA will allow transfers between approved schools at any stage. The administrator should simply pass on the student's training records to the new school.

I would suggest those on the current full time courses talk to SFT on the other side of the airfield. They may not be able to match the module you are studying exactly but you should be able to complete the majority of your subjects. It will be difficult to avoid extra costs but I'm sure SFT won't overcharge.

I will talk to the administrator on Monday to see if there is something we (Bristol) can do for the distance learning students at either minimal or no extra cost and I'll post the result here.

11th Aug 2001, 18:38
John Standen ex Met Instructor PPSC,

Let me tell you that in my view in your case, the only way you are going to have the next 365 days off is of your own choice. I am an ex student of yours, and if you ever need a reference, just shout. Let me also add that the entire class (UK ATPL 6 weeks started last Jan) where all singing their praise of you in particular, even after sitting he exam. I shall never forget some of those short cuts you taught us, my favorite being that one about the fronts.

A real shame about PPSC. Even more so for such a well established company.

Best regards.


11th Aug 2001, 19:03

I know it's early days yet and so this is an unfair question but is there any chance you could get something up and running by 20 Aug? I leave for the UK on Thursday so need to know where I'm going otherwise I'll be wandering from Bristol to Coventry to Oxford trying to find someone to take me in! Does anyone know if the CAA will be flexible about choice of exam venue at short notice?

[ 11 August 2001: Message edited by: Ham Phisted ]

11th Aug 2001, 19:30
In company with JS, I have suddenly and rather unexpectedly joined the great unwashed..... I too would like to thank those of you who have expressed sympathy with the plight not only of the instructors, but also our students..... We worked them to the bone of course, but they were shaping up to be a good bunch.... I'm sure they will be a credit to any FTO that takes them on.....

Like John, those who have booked private nav tuition with me will not be let down..... tho' I may take this opportunity to take a long-overdue break in sunny climes.... As to the future, well, I'm not sure.... will just have to wait and see.

In the mean time, I'd just like to say that for the last 3 years, it has been a pleasure and a privilege to teach and get to know so many of you out there..... I'm going to miss it..... :(

All the best to all you wannabes.... never give up your dream.... and remember: what's the difference between a great circle and a rhumb line?........ who gives a f***!!! LOL

Martin Taggart ex-Navigation Instructor PPSC (RIP)

11th Aug 2001, 19:37
It's very important that John and Martin, 2 greats in their field, are not lost from the industry...

I'm sure some clever FTO owner is already on the case guys..

[ 11 August 2001: Message edited by: JB007 ]

11th Aug 2001, 19:39
From John Standen: ex-Met, PPSC

Any of our (PPSC) students on distance learning would be well advised to contact Alex Whittingham at Bristol.

I have a great deal of respect for Alex and his talents, a nice guy and a great instructor.

For distance learners, Alex is my recommendation (IMHO).

John S

11th Aug 2001, 19:56
BackSeatDriver / Martin Taggart..

Sorry about this..
I've been asked by a friend who was sitting a brush up course with you in a week or so if you are available for some Gen.Nav private tuition.

Probably enough guys out there to run a small course !!!!!(just a thought!)

If you are, could you please e-mail me your details and i'll pass them on..
[email protected]


11th Aug 2001, 20:59
Anyone fancy some of my hard earned cash? I know all you F.T.O 's will be reading these pages with great interest and if you can offer anything to me for the "old" PPSC module 2 then I'll take it as my time is running out fast and I'm getting worried, (6 mths) to pass all the exams. Many thanks to Martin Taggart and John Standen for showing themselves here, I've had the pleasure of private tuition from both during and after my time at PPSC and I can say the tuition and subject knowledge on both parts is astounding and I for one can't imagine better instructors for what at the end of the day is two of the toughest subjects on offer (F.T.O's take note! these are the men for the job!) I shall be phoning the CAA on Monday to discover their stance on things and anyone else in my boat( at the end of Mod2 distance learning )should hope that chaps such as Alex of Bristol and other ATPL G/S providers clock on and secure the business of all those 'ex' PPSC students. To the rest of you on my ship these things are sent to test us I'm sure so keep your chins up (inst inc.) and if you hear anything let us all know!

P.S thanks alot PPSC for letting me know you were going down the tubes when you asked me for my "brush up" cash the other day!............Manners cost nothing!

Send Clowns
11th Aug 2001, 21:25
Further to Alex Wittingham's post:

As far as I last heard, SFT are trying to set up courses specifically matched to the remainder of the full-time PPSC courses. At this early stage I don't think that the practicalities are quite worked out, and I don't guarantee that we can do it. However we are trying. Hold in there, and call SFT on monday.

Anyone needing private tuition in the Bournemouth area for General Nav email me (JB007 I may be able to help your friend if BackSeatDriver can't). I may also be able to put you in touch with other subject tutors too.

11th Aug 2001, 21:48
Another one bites the dust :rolleyes:
My sympathies to the staff and anyone who's lost money, and I hope that you all get sorted sooner rather than later.
What really irks me is the fact that any company can legally continue to take deposits etc for future training in the full knowledge that they are likely to cease trading imminently.(As opposed to continuing trading whilst insolvent -
(which is of course illegal, and of course, no one would do that) :rolleyes:
We await to see the reasons for their demise, but regardless of the obvious talents of the teaching staff, it doesn't say much for the owners business acumen if they have let the company get into such a mess. :mad:

11th Aug 2001, 22:43
so it looks like a transfer to another provider is a possibility with the associated student files. but how easy this is going to be with a company in recievership is hard to gauge, anyone got any ideas?
also it seems that bristol's module 1 content
is different to ppsc's, which also throws another spanner in the works, if all the other possible alternatives are the same!
i honestly thought that all the providers would follow the same path. i suppose i shouldn't be suprised that a logical ruling such as this be omitted in the new order j.a.r. world we now live in.
by any chance does anyone know the content of a.f.t.'s modules?
labyrinths i can do, you just keep going, it's all these fxxxing mazes that do me.

11th Aug 2001, 22:51
Looks like the distance modules have been split in a number of "sensible" ways. PPSC chose to lump days 3 & 4 exams together while other schools lumped subjects together which had some synergy between them. Links for module content are:

SFT: http://www.sft.co.uk/jar_atpl.htm

Bristol: http://www.bristol.gs/ATPL%20Course.html

AFT: http://www.atlanticairlines.co.uk/atpl_dl.htm

Oxford: http://www.oxfordaviation.net/products/pilot/distance/vccorsfram.htm

David Webb
12th Aug 2001, 15:44
May I take this opportunity to extend my heartfelt and personal sympathy to all students registered with PPSC. Over the last ten years I have taught many ATPL students.
I have memories of ups and downs, some classes very sombre, others hilariating ( and how could I ever forget the strippogram?) You all know who you are! Like all my colleagues it has been not inconsiderable success in the examinations which has been strong motivation. I thank all who have said good things about us. To those caught in the middle of all this, may I personally wish you all the very best of luck in your pursuit of what I have always said is a very worthy profession. It is said that the Phoenix arose from the ashes.....


Charlie Foxtrot India
12th Aug 2001, 15:49
What a bummer for all concerned. I did the old PPSC CPL correspondence course in 1990 and they were excellent. I still find the notes very useful and refer to them frequently, and they're better than the aviation textbooks in the library at uni.

Hope you all get your courses sorted out, and you teachers get good new jobs or enjoy a well earned rest, if that is what you want! It would be sad to see all that knowledge go to waste.

Capt Crash
12th Aug 2001, 17:39
I would like to say a big thank you to the Boys at PPSC who got me through my exams first time round in the summer of 1999. Like CFI I still use the notes from time to time.

Sorry it didn't work out but you have had the satisfaction of training the the next generation of pilots to the highest standards.

Thank you all of teaching me and saving me money.


JS - I still have this mental picture of you wearing 'warm woolly Y fronts, peeing in front.'

12th Aug 2001, 18:35
Alex ...

as someone who has just started my PPL/IR distance learning course with PPSC - I only hope there is something that can be offered to students like us. The only problem as I see it is that for this particular course we are fast running out of time as I understood the very last chance to take the exams was november and there is no JAA equivalent or even any ideas of when the JAA equivalent will happen. I will be scanning this post to see if you post a response. Here's hoping and yes I feel sad for all at PPSC everyone I know that used them only spoke well of them,

12th Aug 2001, 21:36
As one of the ATPL Module two students who were told about this in class on friday, I would just like to say thank you to all my instructors.
Sitting here writing this seems strange, I should be on my way back to Bournemouth by now for class in the morning!
I'm so going to miss my instructors (not to mention the £1165 I've just lost!!!), the knowledge these guys have is unreal, only wish we had seen the next 7 weeks out, & I'm sure we'd have seen some more excellent results!. Thanks again to:

Roger Henshaw - Top Guy
John "Wheels" Hooper - Clever & So Funny
Keith Williams - POF King
Gordon King - Tip Top
David Webb - Top Gun
Peter Swatton - Wise man
Martin Taggart - GNAV needs no more
John Standen - Met (& piles) sussed
Derek Hauton - Great Guy 2
Gail Longhurst - Where's my money????

:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

[ 12 August 2001: Message edited by: MorningGlory ]

13th Aug 2001, 00:10
I would like to thank all of the staff at PPSC for getting me through the cpl,techs and ATPLs. I went through PPSC a few years ago and If one school would stick it out I thought they would.
Again I thankyou and wish you all good luck in finding another job, If is wasn't for you guys I would'nt be an airline pilot today.

SC :eek: :p :)

Right Way Up
13th Aug 2001, 02:55
Very sad to hear of PPSC's demise. When I did my commercial exams, just doing a brush-up course gave you an excellent chance of passing. Just a thought, I don't know if paying by credit card was an option for payment, but surely the credit card companies have shared liability.

13th Aug 2001, 05:08
Hi Dave Webb and Martin

I was one of the few french students at PPSC in Jan 99, and the following 3 months, doing my nav & techs over there.
I really enjoyed the courses, especially the Nav with Martin, and also the various subjects covered by Dave.
I feel very sorry for the students who booked courses, hoping they will find a solution.

PS, Martin : Sorry,I still f"""k up the grid nav business !!!

13th Aug 2001, 06:32
A great shame.

I'll never forget Dave Webb harping on about his Merc, (in 1996 that was) and the fact that if you could draw a perfect circle then you must be gay!!

leading edge!
13th Aug 2001, 09:58
I was really hoping to start the Full time ATPL theory course with a mate on the January 2002 intake at PPSC. If anyone has any ideas on decent FTO's please email me. This is a complete nightmare as I am about to book leave etc! I am sorry for all those who's life is going to be affected by this.
Kind Regards
Leading edge!

13th Aug 2001, 10:30
leading edge!

We must be neighbours!! When I did my CPL stuff years ago, I did them at City of London Polly as it was then, by the Tower of London. The benefit to me at the time was that I could commute it from home. Had a good time there too, and some great instructors, but that was ten years ago, so take that recomendation with a pinch of salt.

Good luck


13th Aug 2001, 11:13
My guess is that a group with the likes of Dave Webb will probably successfully re-form. Good guys all, and despite my learning difficulties back in 94, (then aged 40), they got me through...now flying biggish jets in and out of EGLL. Thanks to PPSC, and good luck to employees and recent students.

13th Aug 2001, 11:53
Sad to see PPSC go the way of many great flying institutions.
I did my CPL correspondence with them during 1989/90 and then ATPL brush up in 1994.
Instructors were always very helpful.And they were value for money.
The way the system has changed over the last few years I don'nt think I would do it if I had to do it all over again, what with modular courses and all your training at an approved school.(Oh hell I sound like my grandfather -It was'nt like this in the old days!!

13th Aug 2001, 16:31
Sorry to hear

I too have have benefitted from PPSC's excellent training

I particularly remember

Pete Swatton
Roger Henshaw
Dave Webb

I suppose its called competition
but I believe these guys to be the best
so exactly what happened ...

With the start of Four Forces - too many chasing too few students ?

:eek: :eek: :eek:

Laurie Benn
13th Aug 2001, 16:43
Commiserations to all who's ATPL studies have been disrupted by PPSC's demise.

If there is anything that we at London Guildhall can do to help, either full-time or distance learning, please contact us on
020 7320 1757

13th Aug 2001, 21:42
For those left high-and-dry by PPSC's collapse, there may be an encouraging announcement on this forum by Bristol soon. I have approved the announcement here as, although it may be considered to be advertising, it is in the best interests of those now in the lurch.

13th Aug 2001, 23:29
It makes me mad that while the teaching side of PPSC was really strong that the management appears to have not kept very good tabs on their spending in certain areas and now to the detriment of instructors students and aviation training a great aviation instritution has been ended.

To Martin, John and Dave know doubt our paths will cross at BOH as I am still with channex awaiting my F27 course. You are all top instructors in your field as were everyone else at PPSC. To Roger I cannot even imagine what it feels like, this couldn't have come at a worse time.

To the students keep at it no matter where you end up, just remember that if thickies like me can get all 14 so can you.

Words can't convey the surprise I got when I popped in today to say Hi!! my condolences to all!!

Box :( :(

Scratch One Bandit
14th Aug 2001, 00:06
Hi Guys,

I just wanted to say that I'm sorry to hear that PPSC went under. I hope the students manage to continue their training asap, and the instructors move onto something soon.

David Webb
14th Aug 2001, 00:45
To all PPSC students

Although I cannot say very much, there well may be hope for you all yet. Contact SFT immediately.
You will not compromise me by mentioning my name.


David Webb
14th Aug 2001, 00:57
OK boxjockey99

You know very well that I consider real aeroplanes to be those which have triggers.
Watch out, I may well be in your 6.


14th Aug 2001, 01:06
Along with all of the other (ex) PPSC instructors, I am absolutely devastated at the way the students have been let down by the failure of the company. (Just as I was telling myself that the current module 2 class was the best ever, the plug was pulled).

If the rumours about 4 Forces are true then no student can feel safe. The obvious (but unfortunately improbable)precaution of a bond system similar to that employed to protect airline passengers seems the only solution.

Although the surviving FTOs are doing stirling work in putting together rescue packages,the disruption will obviously make life much harder for the students.

Those who have yet to take their first sittings in any subjects must obviously find a new FTO to sign them off for the exams. For those who require only resits in one or two subjects however, a more effective (and probably cheaper) solution might be to undertake private tuition with people they already know. In common with John Standen and Martin Taggart, I can provide tuition in the subjects of POF, Engines and Engine Instruments (I'd like to do electrics but it makes my brain hurt. Please contact me on [email protected] if I can help.

PPRuNe Towers
14th Aug 2001, 03:08
As I suggested they would back on page two, the training organisations have gone to extraordinary lengths in a very short period to help PPSC students.

By now it must be obvious that our normally dim view of firms using this forum for free advertising is presently softened and Scroggs has been working away behind the scenes.

Companies offering approved and modular courses as well as instructional staff made redundant are welcome to use the forum to announce efforts to assist those affected by company failures.

Most using this forum are new to the professional aviation world. They should know that there is a long and honourable history of UK companies assisting those in the training sector and within the airlines when a competitor fails.

It's an honour to see this site help in some little way those caught up in all this and we're especially pleased to be able to help the instructors who have garnered so much praise in recent days.

As things settle down it might be interesting to consider some less traumatic ways of acknowledging these unsung heroes of British aviation whichever school they work for.

Rob Lloyd

[ 14 August 2001: Message edited by: PPRuNe Towers ]

14th Aug 2001, 12:59
sorry to hear of PPSC's demise,
had a few mates there & no-one had any idea of what was about to happen.
I know that Pilot Assist are also helping out students in any which way they can, they've also found out that the CAA have seized all the student training records therefore you can get a credit for the amount of hours you've already put in (just a shame it isn't for the money too!). If some of you guys found the full time residential too much hard going, maybe try the 'closer learning' they've got at PAC, it seems to be working for the people here!
Again, commiserations to all the students & instructors, but if you're in the market for either a job or a course, give em a ring!

14th Aug 2001, 14:20
Sorry to hear of the demise of PPSC.
I trained with them in '95, passed all nav subjects and failed the tech's.

They were extremely good for the Nav's but IMHO they were let down badly in the Tech subjects in terms of the teaching. Not being horrible but word does get around, and certainly there were many other sudents that thought the same about the tech exam teachings. Which is why after many students failed the tech's they went to a school that was a bit more clued up like Bristol (and no I don't work for them)

In my case I ran out of money having passed 13 of the 15 exams. My year ran out and I lost all of my exam credits.

I'm now in a boring office job. I don't want sympathy, I have no wish to sit the exams again but there is not a single day that goes by when I don't think of how different things might be if I had passed the Tech's.

So good luck to all at PPSC in finding alternative employment but spare a thought for those of us who feel slightly let down by your Tech course.

14th Aug 2001, 14:22
The birth of my new son and a heavy work schedule have meant I've been kept away from PPRune lately. I must say this is not good news to be coming back to. I am an Ex PPSC student and they were EXCELLENT!

Anyway, I have a question and I'm sorry if its already been asked because I just haven't had time to read the whole post but does anybody have ANY idea how this happened. Is it the cut-throat business syndrome or a lack of students (or students going elsewhere) or the cost of changing their syllabus over to JAR or simply just mis-management?

Anyone any clue?

14th Aug 2001, 18:50
First of all my heart goes out to all the instructors at PPSC who, as far as I am concerned, are more affected by this **** than I am.

I am one of the (ex) PPSC PPL/IR distance learning students. I have done some phoning around and found out some information for those that are doing the PPL/IR course.

Yesterday I spoke to Alex Whittingham at Bristol. They are running an old CAA CPL NAV course that would be acceptable to the CAA as a classroom based element.

London Guildhall University are currently putting together a rescue package for PPL/IR course and have the approval from the CAA for that.
I just spoke to the Head of Department at Guildhall. He said that he is trying to get a refresher course set up for all those PPL/IR students that are going to sit the exams on the 13th and 14th of September subject to his Tutors being able to run the course.

The 'man at the CAA' confirmed that Guildhall have been in contact with them and said that the refesher course would be acceptable as a classroom element.
He also had 'some info' that Roger Henshaw is trying to so some SAR as well although I have no idea how true that is or how to get into contact with Roger.

Also, I am actually quite impressed how willing the CAA are at finding solutions the problems that arose from the PPSC demise. They were actually VERY helpful earlier on.
Not to mention all the other schools who are doing their best! Well done!

I hope I got all of this right.

If anyone has some more information then could they let me know also via email:

[email protected]

Cheers all!


Of course I just received my last worksheet from PPSC in the mail. Airlaw 5. Posted: 10/08/2001!!!!
Only got 88% in it as well :( .

[ 14 August 2001: Message edited by: Hicks ]

14th Aug 2001, 19:11
I'm approaching the end of module 1 distance learning course with PPSC and am also amazed by their demise. I would like to thank Bristol ground school for their rescue package. It looks like the lifeline i need as i approach the peak of the study curve! It is clearly in their best interests to secure more students. But they, along with others, seem to be genuinely interested in helping those of us left in the lurch. Having lost a not insignificant amount of money I feel let down by the management of PPSC (especially as there was no mention of any probs when i called them on Friday!). My sympathies to those who have lost much more than me. Finally, i am told that PPSC are not handing over marking papers for the assessments. I can think of no good reason why PPSC would want to further hinder the progress of it's students, and i hope that they quickly reconsider this :mad: policy!!

14th Aug 2001, 19:27
I am very sorry to hear that PPSC has gone bust .
I was a jar ATPL full time student there for most of this year .

I do know that their Mod 1 course was second to none .
Martin , Jon , And Derek were inspirational in there ability to put exactly what you needed to know across in the simplest form.

But I fear that their Mod 2 (tecs) course was not up to the job .
Consistant courses had failed quite badly in part 2 even when exellent results had been attained in Mod 1 . And I know bad news travells . I met a guy in the u.s.last month.
We got talking and he had passed mod 1 at PPSC but had been advised to go else where for his tecs .

For me , well I've only got 3 retakes left
PoF, Perf, & M&B.

Good luck to you all,


14th Aug 2001, 22:55
well at least we know that Dave is not in poor spirits. as if you could catch me in our newly upgraded SUPER FRIENDSHIP.... ooooooooo!!

I agree with BackSeatDriver with regards to the video... perhaps if they'd spent less instructor time on that and more in the classroom then more people might have passed first time etc. No disrespect intended to the instructors as you guys simply sis as you were told. I know this was a bone of contention when Jon Standon was always away for our met lessons.

It would be nice to get all the instructor e-mails before they disappear also so if you could message either openly or privately that would be fab as I'd hate to lose touch.

Dave good luck with your 'phoenix!'

BoxJock :rolleyes:

14th Aug 2001, 23:37
I'll start off by saying a huge thankyou to Roger Henshaw who has stood by the somewhat disheartened students from the start and who was at sft this morning to give us moral support and help sft with the best solution followed by agreeing with morning glories comments not a lot left to say apart from looking forward to wearing my epilletes! in a fortnight.

14th Aug 2001, 23:58
Looks like I'll be heading to sunny Spain soon. For those of you interested, my e-mail address is [email protected]

Once again, heartfelt thanks to all those who have taken the trouble to post your complimentary remarks.... thank you :)

15th Aug 2001, 02:02
My thoughts go out to all affected by this tragic state of affairs. I hope everyone finds a way through.

It does intruige me though - how a training provider can go bust? Lets face it - they charge a fortune for what you get. All of them. Regurgitate a few text books in your own fancy binders, gather some "feedback", employ a few old RAF navigators on a pension for peanuts buy the biggest CRP-5 you can find then bill every one of the captive audience £2000.

Why not let people just turn up for the exams at their own risk? :mad: :mad:

[ 14 August 2001: Message edited by: AirScream ]

Wee Weasley Welshman
15th Aug 2001, 11:44
John Standen - you are one of the most remarkable groundschool instructors I have ever met and I have met many. Thank you once again for getting me through Met in 1998.

I must say its extremely cheering to see the industry rally 'round in this time of mild crisis.

Thank heavens for PPRuNe - if this had happened 5 years ago...

Good luck to both students and instructors,


ps if any instructor fancies a move to the sun then I know that BAE at Jerez are actively recruiting for the Groundschool...

15th Aug 2001, 11:57

I'll second that. I was there Feb this year, and he's not changed. Same result for me.

Funny thing was we had one of the fairer sex in our class, so John had to tone down his usual bit. The full text was usualy available during fag breaks mind you... The guys a hoot.


15th Aug 2001, 12:04

Why the hell don't you give it another shot? "Boring job", "not a day goes by" - your words, not mine. Are you going to spend the rest of your life thinking that way?

15th Aug 2001, 14:04
I had the fortune of studying with PPSC earlier this year or they had the misfortune of teaching me....

Eitherway, all I can say is that regardless of the added hitches with swapping schools because of different subject splits across the modules the whole issue is made so much worse in my opinion BECAUSE the guys there were SO good!!! (I dont wish to offend lecturers at other schools and I am sure there are many great ones out there)

But... to all of those who taught me at PPSC you made the whole experience worthwhile and very enjoyable (except the class exams that is) and I am very sad that this has happened to you as much as I am me!!

To those of you I have already sent emails too... you had better believe that I will be keeping intouch wherever you get to.

Many thanks for the help.....

15th Aug 2001, 14:19
whirlybird, the reason is due to lack of cash, bad credit rating because I borrowed a lot of money for the last set of exams and got behind with payments, and also I work in a pretty poorly paid job at the moment.

I would like to try again but it is finding the right school.

Recent postings on this page make me glad that I never tried the new JAA exams at PPSC because it sounds like the module2 (Tech) course is still not up to scratch.

15th Aug 2001, 18:29
From John Standen ex PPSC
[email protected]

Firstly, many thanks for the many nice things you have said about my colleages and I.

I have enjoyed teaching you all, and like Martin think it is time for some sun, sand and Spanish fly, we are both going for a look round next Tuesday.

Will have to check my climatology notes and see if i need 'my warm Y fronts in winter!'

Good luck to you all and I'm sure to be seeing some of you again somewhere


John S

15th Aug 2001, 22:21
I have two things to say.

To those who doubted the PPSC tech course, from what you say and what I've experienced they must have improved it vastly because I though it was good (I only missed AFS by 1% and then passed with 86% in the next sitting).

And to John, my favourite of yours was the Slugs in Summer and Worms in Winter to picture the Easterly equarorial winds!! (I was in the late Nov 2000 consolidation, on the back row, next to a Kiwi!!)

To all (ex) instructors from PPSC, good luck.

15th Aug 2001, 23:24

16th Aug 2001, 00:44
Don't forget the contributions made by Roger Henshaw (CGI) PPSC.

Roger is to be congratulated on his helpfullness to the students, especially when you realise that he has only just lost his wife after her valiant fight against cancer.

He has worked hard to try to resolve the problems of the Mod 1/2 students even offering to teach free of charge.

He has set up a PPL/IR course for the 3rd Sept and all the old crew will be teaching it, it will be my last course in Bournemouth.

Roger has my vote as 'Number One Guy of the Year'.

Lets hear a vote of thanks to Roger, who always tried his best for all of you!

John S.

16th Aug 2001, 02:14
Sympathies to all involved....but why did this happen? Nobody seems to have answered this question yet - or even had a go at rumour control!! And what has happened to 4Forces? I thought that they were just moving to Cranfield (hoping that they wouldn't get burgled so much!!!) and were teaming up with an FTO.

Tech course was miserable except for Dave Webb (and when i draw arrows I make sure they aren't red!!) and the ex BA 747 Engineer but I passed the lot about 4 years ago.

But Why oh Why???????

:rolleyes: :mad: :o :eek: :confused:

[ 15 August 2001: Message edited by: MaxAOB ]

16th Aug 2001, 02:14
I second the praise given by John S with regards to Roger Henshaw and would like to thank him for the time and effort he has shown towards the students at PPSC during their study's and especially for everything he is trying to do now to ensure students are not too badly affected by the sad closure of PPSC.


Jimmy Mack
16th Aug 2001, 14:03
Just caught up with this thread. Unbelievable news. For me PPSC got me through the ATPL Nav exams, the Techs and Perf A - all first time.

My best wishes to all ex-PPSC instructors and hope you are able to find something new soon.

The cream will always rise to the top.....

Ali C
16th Aug 2001, 15:47
Just a quick note to all ex PPSC staff to say a very big thank-you for putting up with my impressive inability to learn over the last 12 month. I wish you all the best for the future. Good Luck, Ali.

Matt Black
16th Aug 2001, 16:02
Just like to add my good wishes for those wonderful boys and girls at PPSC. Cheryl especially was a real star and helped me out a great deal a few months back. Just hope they all land on their feet soon ( a new school opening up perhaps ?? ).

Good Luck to you all.

Lord Lucan
17th Aug 2001, 10:52
Well, here is another one who would like to sympathise with the staff (and students) of PPSC.

I went through one of the last non-JAA courses and got all my Nav and Techs on the first go, when I had to convert my Oz ATPL.

I thought the courses and teaching were to a good high standard, and am sad to hear of PPSC's demise.

So thankyou all, and best wishes for whatever comes next.

- and I too would be curious as to why this has happened. A direct result of the cost and complication and the loss of students involved in moving to JAA training???

17th Aug 2001, 15:30
Well i was a es student at PPSC and I must say a big thank you to John the Met teacher there..But also to Martin Taggart who in my eyes is the best Genral Nav teacher ive come across..All the Best John & Martin hope u get on well in Spain..and also to all the other Teachers that where at PPSC..Get them piles sorted John..Or i can provide you to see a Docter in Bradford BradfordOf course free of charge just let me know when u wanna see him!!!!..thx and all the best for the future. ;)

David Webb
18th Aug 2001, 15:05
If anyone out there is interested my ex-PPSC colleague Derek Hauton is available for private tuition of radio/instruments, subject to availability. Although he is not currently on the net his mobile number is

18th Aug 2001, 21:45
Thanks Dave

Ringing Derek now, If your punching walls with instruments this is where you need to be! cya......Stuart

.......Real A/C have Triggers

P.S you may get a reputation about being in peoples 6! ......steady....... :p

neil armstrong
19th Aug 2001, 21:58
Alex/Vanessa ,

Congratulations from Across the pond

Neil :) :) :) :) :)

20th Aug 2001, 02:46
But why oh why????????????

:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

Wicked Witch
22nd Aug 2001, 23:00
Where have I been for the past 12 days I ask myself! I have only just found out this evening about the sorry demise of PPSC.

I weighed up the options for distance learning and based on cost and excellent recomendations from ex-students, chose PPSC. Part way through module 1, I along with many, am left wondering what to do now and thinking of the money that I have lost.

My sympathy goes to the staff at PPSC. I used to work for an airline that went out of business and it was not an experience that I would like to repeat. Good luck to you all in seeking new employment.

If any current PPSC students know what the next step is & how much this might cost, or if we just have to start again, PLEASE let me know!!

WW (GIMY :( )

6th Sep 2001, 20:45
:( Just returned from the PPSC Creditors' Meeting in Southampton..... the future is not bright, and it definitely isn't Orange!

Doesn't look like there will be much, if anything, in the pot once major creditors and liquidation fees are paid off.... ho-hum.

7th Sep 2001, 18:04
So how come none of us where notified of his creditors meeting??

(a creditor)

7th Sep 2001, 22:50
If you are a recognised creditor, you are by law bound to be notified of any creditor's meeting.

You should now contact the Receiver for the company to complain. But beware, don't go chasing after money that isn't there, and also remember that there are preferred creditors like Customs and Inland Revenue.