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9th Aug 2001, 13:02
I'm a fairly low time (130 hour) PPL holder in the US, and have been considering making the career move to flying for the airlines (regional or major, not too hung up on the specifics yet...)

I'm curious, though - how many of you have done this very thing and now view flying to be tedious? I guess it's natural to be a little cautious about doing something so major, but I just wonder if the joy / feeling of freedom that I love about flying now will turn into "just a job" after I've been in the industry for a while. It's easy to sit back and say "No way, I love flying! It would be the best job in the world!" when sitting in a cubicle behind a monitor all day, so it would be nice to get some opinions from those of you that do the "real" piloting :)

Also, I was wondering if it is actually worth it to attend an airline / industry-specific school (i.e. Comair Aviation Academy), or if it's just as well to go about the training one hour at a time at my local FBO?

Input appreciated... thanks!

[ 09 August 2001: Message edited by: Plap ]

9th Aug 2001, 18:52
It's a very interesting question you ask, probably because a lot of us professional pilots have an inability to look inside ourselves and answer the question truthfully.

When you consider the blood, sweat and tears it can take to secure that airline seat then move up the seniority ladder, it takes a brave man or woman to say it's anything but a wonderful, exciting, rewarding job.

Many may disagree with me, but once you turn your hobby into a profession, the way you feel about it changes. It's like the difference between going on vacation somewhere or working in the same place - you may enjoy the first experience and hate the second.

Flying for a living can become tedious - many see that as an almost blasphemous thing to say - but I see it as the truth. Why do so many pro pilots tell wanabees to "get a real job"? Even the famous pilot and writer Ernest K. Gann became sick of the "endless to and froing" as he put it and stopped flying for a while.

I love flying by the way - but ultimately if I didn't have to pay the bills and could fly for my own pleasure - well I know what I'd probably chose. Remember, airlines don't give a stuff that you're a 10000 hour ace - you're just another cog in the money making machine.

If this hasn't put you off, then go for it. But remember, the pleasure in professional flying isn't so much fun as a sense of satisfaction that you can do the job to the best of your abilities, day in, day out, in all weathers, at all times of the day or night, when you're so tired you just wanna close your eyes and sleep.....at the end of the day it's a stamina thing...... ;)

[ 09 August 2001: Message edited by: Maximum ]

9th Aug 2001, 20:39
Very true Max. I myself am very new to the RHS of a jet, but can see how this could be tedious. Like many things in life it is your own mindset and attitude than will determine how you feel about it. At the moment, when exhausted and recovering on my days off, I can't wait to get back at it and pit my wits against the elements and machine again.

If you get stuck on the flight deck with someone who wants to spend the whole flight whining about the company, money, rosters etc... it could really grind you down. If you buy into that, any pleasure will disappear rapidly.

Unfortunately, and humblingly, the automatics fly the a/c much more smoothly, safely and cost effectively than we do, but circumstances permitting I try to hand fly it all I can (and hand flew it to FL250 the other day for the joy of it). Not always possible or wise (or SOP) in the London TMA.

This is my career and I have decided that I will enjoy it... so I will. My thoughts, attitudes and actions will be in line with that. A choice in the end. Yes, I do miss my GA days, but that doesn't mean I want to go back. Yes, I am one of those weird people who smile on the way to work!

9th Aug 2001, 21:13
Good point about the other person on the flight deck Oleo. One's enjoyment or lack of on any given day is probably more dependant on that than anything else. Nothing worse than being stuck in a small space with no escape from someone you don't get on with for hours on end...on the other hand, fly with someone you really like, and the day's a pleasure.

Glad to hear you smile on your way to work. :cool:

9th Aug 2001, 21:53
Don't disagree with anything said so far. I'm like Oleo in that I still love it, I've worked very hard to get here, and it's nice to be able to reap the rewards.

At the end of the day, it beats working for a living! If you become a professional pilot, it is one of the better paid careers, and you can still pursue PPL if you like. So, what have you got to lose, it's better than sitting in an office all day!

I've found changes in the way I view flying since I started professionally. It is a job, but it's one I enjoy. As someone said, a lot depends on who you fly with ,and where you fly from. It's not the same as PPL flying, it's about OPERATING an airliner. However, it's still just as satisfying, and I enjoy it a lot.