View Full Version : Flightdeck Personnel Searches

5th Oct 2002, 07:23
Air 2000 have 'allegedly' an intention to include a new contractural clause in which all flightdeck and their personal
possessions may be subject to 'random' searches in the same
manner as their cabin crew.

Is this a common practice in the industry - any thoughts welcome

Richard Spandit
7th Oct 2002, 10:30
As far as I was aware, the only people who would be allowed to search us are HM Customs or the police, with a suitable warrant. The cabin crew bags are company property, which may provide a loophole. My flight case belongs to me and thus the company have no rights in searching it.

I'd like to know what they are intending searching the flight deck for. The pettiness over crew minerals was beyond belief. I find it hard to believe that unused minerals are "recycled"...

Then again, I did nick an RB211 t'other day... don't tell anyone...

... might explain the need for 7 units of rudder trim on a certain aircraft

7th Oct 2002, 13:28
Can you enlighten us on the story of the "crew minerals"? Sounds like something they could try and pull on us over here!!!!

7th Oct 2002, 19:04
Our company is tightening the purse strings at the moment too.
Pray do tell us more about your "minerals" coz I'm sure its only a matter of time before it filters down to us as well.

BTW, do airport security have the authority to carry out random searches or not ?

9th Oct 2002, 07:06

Im more interested in this searching of possesions thing really..sorry about that.

If BALPA allow a clause into your contract then thats what you work to ! If your contract says that certain people can search your bag whilst youre at work then they can search your bag! If you dont want that then get BALPA to reject it!


13th Oct 2002, 21:59
A long time ago in SE Asia...
Cabin Chief was stopped in customs in S'pore and his bag was searched...166 SQ give-away pens fell out on the counter, much to his embarrassment i'm sure (he was sacked)....:rolleyes:
If any flight deck crew member is so inclined to depart the aeroplane with company property under the present tight-fisted environment, they have only themselves to blame if they are caught.
Simple as that...;)

13th Oct 2002, 22:23
In the days of Freddy Laker the very first item on a contract was that anyone ever found in possession of an item belonging to Laker Airways that they could not satisfactorily explain would be sacked on the spot!