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View Full Version : Anyone have any experiance with these guys ? (Or even heard of them!)

7th Aug 2001, 13:30
Czech-Trek Aviation Experiances! www.powered-flight.czech-trek.co.uk (http://www.powered-flight.czech-trek.co.uk)

Offering an IR for £5600 incl accomodation!
And JAA approved.

My brother is due to start his CPL in a few weeks and is seriously thinking about it for the IR only...I was passed a telephone number in Luton!

7th Aug 2001, 13:50
know nothing about this school you mentioned, but I know about another school in Slovakia, which may also be an option: http://www.aircarpatia.sk/
I haven't attended this school or met people who did, so I don't know anything, only their webpage, which is really good...