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View Full Version : Registering interest for ADSL

Hersham Boy
25th Sep 2002, 12:37
OK - I'm desparate here!

If therre is anyone here whose home is connected to the Godstone telephone exchange (01883 74xxxx), can you please register your interest for ADSL with BT...

There must be a direct URL but they are using popups so the quickest way I found was going to
http://www.adslguide.org.uk and then going to "Availability check" adn following through from there.

So far, only 45 people have registered an interest and BT aren't going to update my exchange for numbers like that! 100 registrations would boost us into the top rankings...

Here's clutching at straws :)


25th Sep 2002, 17:33
Direct URL is



25th Sep 2002, 18:29
Well you are doing better than those of us on the Capel, 01306, exchange - last time I looked it was 23!

Can you post multiple requests? Not tried it but perhap it would work.....

25th Sep 2002, 18:45
BT will reset back to 0 if they detect fraud.

25th Sep 2002, 21:52
My exchange 01663 73**** now has 83 pre-registered, but needs 400 before BT will consider upgrading the exchange. They want 300 of those 400 to confirm before the do the upgrade too.
It could be a long wait for those of us in less than built-up areas. Just like dial-up really. ;)

Hersham Boy
26th Sep 2002, 08:06
Hmmm... us Godstone-ers seem to have dropped in the rankings overnight :(

I've even discovered that my phone line (according to BT) isn't V.90 compatible so I'm stuck with a miserable 31'200 connection every time! I'm also fortunate enought to be in a cable area covered by NTL - the only company that could possible have made C&W look competent - who only offer cable modems to their own histroric base and not the areas they took over from the great Cowboy & Witless.

Anyone got any ideas? Pay for the exchange upgrade myself?!


PS. Pilotwolf - I know Capel... we might not be able to connect to the WWW but at least we've got green stuff all around :D

26th Sep 2002, 08:59
Have you considered moving to an area which has the equipment installed.

Hersham Boy
26th Sep 2002, 14:36
Having moved to the current homestead only 3 weeks ago (from another area that didn't offer it)... not really. I'm desperate but not THAT desperate!