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View Full Version : body weight and instructing

radar o'reilly
22nd Sep 2002, 10:44
gidday folks.

I recently began investigating doing a F.I.R. and I have found a bit of a stumbling block due to my weight.

While discussing how my rating would be conducted, the C.F.I. said to me that most of my rating would be done in a C172 as I was too heavy to be trained in a C152.

This got me thinking, if I can't be trained in a C152, how am I going to go getting a job training others in a C152 or similar. I rang the mentioned C.F.I. and he was good enough to be straight with me and said he believed I would have a lot of trouble getting work. At least he didn't lie to get my money, I am thankful for that. :)

So let's hear some opinions / advice. I have the money to do the rating and I am keen as mustard to do it. Naturally I don't want to fork out 10G for the rating to find I can't get work. I am self funded for all my training and it took me a long time to get the cash...!!

I am 27 and I am 98kg. I was alot bigger for alot of years and have plateau'd about there after stripping back after giving up playing football. Unless I cut off a limb, I don't see myself being able to lose a heap more weight.

I have been looking for flying work for about 2 years and worked and saved the money needed for the rating. I hoped it would be my break into the industry. I really want to fly...!!! :D

thanks all.


22nd Sep 2002, 14:52
that's nothing to worry about.
I was 75 kg when doing my intial training, (litlle fella) and my CFI had to be over 110kg
Not a fat guy, just a big Harley riding guy, I had to squeeze into the corner just to drive the little 150

There are alot of pilots out the over 100kgs

22nd Sep 2002, 21:03
There should be no problems with that weight.

I am 29 and 100kg and had no undue side affects when teaching in the C152 (and we had the heaviest C152 in NZ!).

The C152 with 2 standard people and full tanks is over MAUW anyway so you just have to take into account the fuel required for the lesson.

It actually helped with x-country training. It made the stud. think about what fuel we could carry and how far we would get with that fuel.


23rd Sep 2002, 01:37
I used to employ a big fella well north of 100kg & 185cm.

I employed him fror his ability, personality and enthusiasm, not for ht or waistline.

Given a choice, many students choose a C172 or PA28 over a C152 or PA38.

Also, if you make a check of AOC holders and aircraft fleets, you will find that many places do not have 2 seaters for basic training so I don't think you have a problem.

Radar, try looking at different places to do your rating.

28th Sep 2002, 04:36
Just dont fly with Ozgade..........

28th Sep 2002, 05:18
My inital flying on 152's was with a guy about 193cm and about 110kgs in size. I was about 200cm and about 85kg - To shut the doors one of us had to lean forwards, then shut the doors, then lean back so that we were both firmly wedged in place.

I also taught in an old 150, and I gave up trying to keep my door shut and just let it hang open a little.

429 CJ
29th Sep 2002, 06:20
Jay Dubbaya, you are soooo cruel to old Oz.....! ;)

I guess I can't talk........ :D

30th Sep 2002, 14:02
Old Oz knows that we all love him deep down.................