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View Full Version : Follow up to accident in Rotorua

20th Sep 2002, 00:22
Pilot inexperience a factor in fatal crash

Poor weather conditions and pilot inexperience contributed to a helicopter crash that killed two men in remote northern Hawke's Bay last December, according to an accident report released today.

The accident in rugged bush, near Lake Waikaremoana, killed Helikiwi pilot Tony William Worsfold, 42, and passenger Carl Carmichael of Tauranga.

Barry Watkins, 58, suffered moderate injuries in the crash.

He was found by rescuers walking underneath the crashed aircraft.

Mr Worsfold left from the remote village of Ruatahuna, 45km southeast of Murupura, about 1.30pm on December 3 to pick up two hunters stranded 20km north of the lake since Friday because of bad weather.

The crashed helicopter was found two days later.

The Transport Accident Investigation Commission report said Mr Worsfold "was not experienced in conducting the type of operation in weather conditions of low cloud and poor visibility".

The Robinson 44 helicopter collided with trees after returning from the trip to pick up the hunters when flying through low cloud.

Mr Worsfold made the trip because he believed one of the passengers was running out of vital medication, but that wasn't the case, the report said.

The helicopter was operating normally before the accident occurred.