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View Full Version : Cairns IR

19th Sep 2002, 06:17
Instead of advertising it here, send me e-mails with recommendations, advice, warnings etc on anywhere in the area with a good rep and good standards for an instrument rating.

Include your stories, good or bad.

Thanks in advance.

19th Sep 2002, 10:01
Bob Harris

He is in Innisfail just south of Cairns but he is the best.

Look up Hinchinbrook Air Services in the phone book.

I didnt actualy do my rating with him but form all accounts if you pass with Bob then you deserve the rating.

22nd Sep 2002, 00:57
I don't think he is still up there but Ross Eastwood was probably the best renewal I ever did :)

404 Titan
22nd Sep 2002, 05:03
Ross Eastwood is working in Switzerland for Crossair last I heard. Flying ERJ145. Dam good instructor. Also used Bob Harris at Innisfail a few times after Ross left. Also a dam good instructor and fair testing officer. You really cann't go past Bob for his experience as he has been around since 1972 and is highly respected in the north.

404 Titan. :)