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View Full Version : I've passed all the ATPL exams, you can too!!!

Trainee pilot
20th Jun 2001, 20:36
Hi there everyone, I received my ATPL exam results in the post today. They were re-sits (up to third attempt). I PASSED! I am so excited. It was a horrible feeling opening the envelope, as I didn’t wan to go to the last attempt! I actually cried after I saw the results, as it has been a horrible one and a half years. It feels so amazing as I now have all 14 under my belt. I never thought I would get this far! I just wanted to tell all of you thinking of starting the course or even those of you already enrolled, DON’T GIVE UP! As long as you have the determination to succeed in your dream then you WILL. Yes there is a lot to learn and yes it is hard, probably the hardest thing you’ll ever need to learn but at the same time it is achievable. I for one left school with NO qualifications, as I didn’t really like school and never paid attention. I joined London Underground and amongst other things I drove trains and became a manager. I studied whilst working shift work, which was really trying, but still made it this far. I know there is a long way to go and I have a heck of a lot to learn on the way, but somehow it all seems more possible now I have passed the theory. I felt like giving up a few times and sometimes went a few days without studying as it all seemed like too much and was too boring. Just keep at it and you will reach your true goal. I know you have heard this before but you’ll realise how true that is when you get to this stage which I guess will boost your confidence to cope with the rest. Today is my best day and I am already on the wine. I start my CPL at High Wycombe on Monday. I did my theory at Oxford and although they are expensive it was money well spent. They are all really helpful and their feedback was second to none! Some of the instructors have really spent a lot of time writing the textbooks and most really do care about individual needs. Anyway, enough said. Drop me a line if you have any questions. Finally, if you ever feel down, go to your nearest Airport at sunset and watch the planes land. The rest speaks for itself.

See you on the flight deck.... :) :) :) :)

20th Jun 2001, 20:54
Congrats TP. You're right, it's hard work, but it's really worth it... So now you can get down to the proper business of flying again. :)

20th Jun 2001, 21:14
Very well done, great feeling isn't it!!!!. I assume you will be going for a few beers tonight!!!

20th Jun 2001, 23:24
Well done Trainee, like you I've just got my final result and passed so I know how you feel.All 14 exams complete THANK THE LORD.Let the flight begin.

20th Jun 2001, 23:39
Wicked! Well done mate!!! Talk about feeling 'high'!!!
Anyway, perhaps you could spare a few moments when you've finished celebrating and just let me know how you went about what you've done...
O.k, I'm about to finish my PPL in 2 - 3 weeks (weather dependent) and I'm interested in doing my CPL part time. I understand that i can do the exams part time, but can i complete these first without the CPL flying hours?? Sorry if this sounds a bit vague, I havent fully enquired about it yet. Just on the scrounge for information etc..
If i can complete the exams first, how long are they valid for???
Any scraps of info would be appreciated mate.. Thanks in advance!!!

21st Jun 2001, 00:04
Hay forget 'trainee' how about 'brainee'
Absolute and total congratulations on your achevement.
I'm convinced it,s not all about intellegence
but determination.
Like you I left school with nothing and apart from working on verious building sites,I have spent the last 5 years in a factory on weard shifts.
I have now passed 8 ATPL exams and I look forward to feeling like you do in the near future.
Good Luck

Trainee pilot
21st Jun 2001, 01:29
Thanks all for your kind words, as you say it's all about having the will to succeed. You just need a good memory and I've already forgotten most of it! I'm enjoying being unemployed too!

21st Jun 2001, 15:40
Well done Trainee Pilot.