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View Full Version : Any activity at Air Atlantic, RE sponsorship?

Rusty Cessna
25th Jan 2001, 19:53
Hiya all,

I was just wondering what the gen is on the scheme(s) that Air Atlantic are (if any at all) running, any news on their old fuglie system??

This has probably been discussed recently but I haven't had time to check, thanks for any info.


Perfect PFL
25th Jan 2001, 19:57
I applied to their part sponsorship scheme quite a while ago. The one where you needed a PPL + some amount of hours. I haven't heard anything from them for a while though. I haven't been to any selection tests or anything either.

25th Jan 2001, 22:47
Hi Rusty,

I train at Coventry where it all happens and people there have told me just to apply as they take peole on all the time. How true this is i'm not sure. Having said all that I do know they've run a scheme recently as I know some people who have been to the testing.

Like PFL says, the requirements are a PPL and a Class one for part sponsorship but if you've got 150 hours plus then they'll contribute more (possibly all) towards the training. Hope this helps.

Anyway Rusty, I thought i'd read on this forum you'd got on a course of some description??? Nice one if you have but I maybe mistaken.


26th Jan 2001, 01:14
Hey Rusty!

It seems like the only way I can get hold of you is through PPRuNe!

Call me soon and let me know when you are coming to TPuk Manor :)

26th Jan 2001, 01:49
Has anyone got any contact details for Air Atlantique?? A little while ago I managed to find their website but it was more about the collections and what they do.



26th Jan 2001, 13:43
Hello there,

Details for Atlantic as follows:

Apply to:

Mr Peter Humphries,
Atlantic Flight Training (for sponsored fuglie course)


Doug Brown (Chief Pilot)
Atlantic Airlines (for Direct Entry Pilot Appl.)

Hanger 5,
Coventry Airport

Tel. 024 76 307566

Hope this helps.

26th Jan 2001, 14:15
I applied to Atlantic last year, passed all the bits 'n' bobs, got down to the last eight and was told they would be in touch as the last phase of selection is a flight test, sim ride and interview with the owners. All of this is rolled into 2 days.
Prior to this before each stage they wrote to me giving details of the next tests and times about a week in advance and I assumed this method would continue. After the second to last stage they told me they would contact me inside a week with the results, just after a week passed I called them wondering where my results were and they said I had passed and was due for an interview that day and should have been present the day before! No letters and no phone calls! How the **** was I meant to know? Pilots are meant to be mind readers dont you know!
I did manage to get there and complete the final phase of selection but didn't get the sponsorship.
I can't help thinking their lack of communication contributed to my failure as I arrived tired after a long drive and felt they weren't very happy with me for turning up late. This made me think if they blamed me for a cock up in their administration what chance did I have! NONE!
I wouldn't put you off going for the scheme as at the end of the day you do get an ATPL paid for,but do bear this in mind! make damn sure you pester them rotten after each phase to ensure you know where you should be and if you have passed each phase. Don't rely on their notification system as its a joke! You can apply at any time , just give them a call and they send you the application form, I applied in June but they have a couple of intakes each year.
Don't be to put off if you fail to get it because all sponsorship schemes sound very nice on paper but no matter where you go you'll always end up paying the trainning costs back and will be contracted to a company on **** wages for a few years. Be wary! Good luck anyway, if your dedicated enough you'll make it one way or the other.................Tailwinds//////TD

26th Jan 2001, 20:50
What's the age cut-off for sponsorship then?

jet jones
26th Jan 2001, 21:22
I believe the age limit is 32...but a lot lower for their full sponsorship. I think that is 24.

live to fly

Rusty Cessna
27th Jan 2001, 20:02
Thanks for all the Info, I will bear it all in mind, just one thing, is their lower age limit 18 or 17 as it used to be??

Does anyone fly for them so I can get an brief insight to the comapny?

Thanks a lot,