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24th Jan 2001, 18:04
I am considering doing a full time Integrated Training course to get to the frozer ATPL stage. I have many hours gliding experience but no power experience. I am 34 (so will be 35/36) when I complete. What chance do I stand of getting a job when I complete, given that I will probably have about 200 hours. Is it worth the investment? Is there anyone out there in my situation who has been through this and got a job ?

Need For Speed
24th Jan 2001, 18:37
Hi there, Hope this helps!. I dont think that your age is a big factor when starting/finishing CPL training, although the general guideline is the age of 35 for new recruits for most of the airlines, but this is quickly abandoned in times of pilot shortage.I personally know of a woman who was in her 40's and gave up her old job and got a PPL and now works for an airline, if she can do it so can anyone! cant they?

24th Jan 2001, 19:48

I'm not in your situation. Though thinking about changing career but a couple of years younger. Remember that you have loads of experience from your previous life and career. I really think that's an advantage and that you should go for it. Good luck.

Yosemite Sam
24th Jan 2001, 20:14
Had to get my response in to this one. I am on the verge of letting go of my current IT job at present and pursuing my flying. I have only 15 hours toward PPL, 31 years of age but loads of support from friends and family (Not of the cash type sadly).

So if you've got the money to pursue an integrated course, go for it.

24th Jan 2001, 21:16
I'm 47 with 150 hrs TT IMC
just got the class one
just started the ATPL ground school with Bristol
just have to have a go!
Someone tell me I'm mad!!

I wish I was your age!

24th Jan 2001, 21:56
Yosemite and Badger1, ditto on the job front for me too. I resigned before Christmas and finally left my secure IT job last week to hopefully go contracting in IT to allow for greater flexibility and to finish off my PPL and then do the Modular route. Loads of people have given me grief about doing it saying that I'm stupid to throw it away but a few, close people realise that this is something that must be done in order to get closer to that goal. Caradoc, don't you worry about that age. Keep plugging at it!

24th Jan 2001, 22:00
Well guys, you've all got balls. getting into this business of flying is not the smartest thing I've done. Fortunately I was sitting on approx £23.000 when I chose to spend it all on pilot training instead of drinking it all up or buy a nice car. I feel sorry for the guys that take up huge loans to be in the same place as me. I am 26, have approx 1500 hrs, EU frz ATPL, FAA ATPL. Finished my training in 1999, and have not really been anywhere close to getting a job as a pilot. Whish you all the best.....

24th Jan 2001, 22:26

I am 34, and on the precipice. We all have serious moments of doubt, but there is loads of encouragement to be found here!
I am going modular, starting in the middle of this year.
Done stacks of research thus far into Integrated and Modular. If you want to know what I've found out, gis-a-mail.
Anyone else who wants to go to the States hoursbuilding middle of this - mail me too!

I'm going to enjoy this!!!!

Chirpy Pilot
24th Jan 2001, 23:43
Yes I was in the same position.
Gave a good job up £40K plus, and at 34 started training at Oxford 509 course. Finished the course, with good flying report and 1st time passes in CPL and IR test. No job opportunities came forth and then enroled on a flight instructors course. Now age 36 and have just had my first interview after much persistance. I do not want to be looking for a job on the wrong side of 40.
The airline I had the interview with where reluctant to employ F/O's over 35

25th Jan 2001, 13:58
Thanks for the responses and the support. I guess there are some sobering thoughts in there though, but I have also heard of a number of cases on other sites where people have got jobs. I am inclined to throw caution to the wind and go for it.

Dragger of Tail
25th Jan 2001, 15:56
Do not underestimate the problems your age will cause. You are extremely unlikely to be hired with low hours at your age. You need to have plan B, to build hours. Can you afford to work as a flying instructor for a year or more at very low rates of pay?
I have spent years looking for work and have never even come close. Please believe me I am not unique in that respect. I was 32 when I started, now I have reached 40 and have decided to bin it. Any one starting out aged over 35 should really only consider it a hobby, unless they are prepared to build about 1,000hrs. This can be a lot harder than it sounds. I also know many other pilots who have more experience than that, including substantial multi experience who are still waiting for their first interview. The only common factor between these guys is their age.

[This message has been edited by Dragger of Tail (edited 26 January 2001).]

29th Jan 2001, 02:13
There appears to be quite a few of us nutters about.

The missus now thinks I'm a geek for spending all my time on PPrune.

You can't win.

[This message has been edited by MarathonMan (edited 30 January 2001).]

29th Jan 2001, 03:58
40 and just about to start towards ATPL etc. Decided to go modular route. Any suggestions re going to US for PPL + 1000 hours