View Full Version : slaging time

7th Sep 2002, 23:52
C'mon you lot. It's the ATC passtime........

lets slag off somebody...... be it NATS. SERCO, VT or any of that lot!!!!! We know that their Management read the forums.....
say what you like......
it makes them SO MAD!!!!!!
but try and be truthful..........huh?

8th Sep 2002, 06:14
Sounds like someone hit a raw nerve :rolleyes:

8th Sep 2002, 07:39
Sounds more like someone's a loony who should be ignored.

8th Sep 2002, 09:42
Yup......... looking for some entertainment.

I'm bored, and you guys out there come out with
some beauties. Slag me off if you like.
Witty repartee is not my strong point so it should
be easy enough. xxxxxxxx:) :) :) :)

Flight Plan Fixer
8th Sep 2002, 10:48

Your desire to provoke reaction - and the fact that you can't spell - gives me the impression that you are a journalist...possibly from The Sun or Computer Weekly, and that you're doing this to get some aviation copy.

Sorry, your cover has been blown! (unlike you for a long time, by the sound of it)

And isn't there one letter too many in your name, viscount ?


8th Sep 2002, 12:04
Ah, Viscounts! Now you`re talking! I loved the noise those Darts made.

8th Sep 2002, 13:34
Another Sun ex (haven't a) clue (mind like a) sieve ;)

8th Sep 2002, 14:53
Good biscuits too , especially the mint ones!!!:p

8th Sep 2002, 20:23
KEEP IT COMING LADS ........:) :) :) :)

(now there's an opening for someone)

9th Sep 2002, 15:25
Hmm... viscount asks to be insulted... everyone thinks he/she's a diddy... everyone then responds with suitable insults... hmm... :p

ATCbabe... you obviously didn't see my ad in the lonely hearts looking for a fellow mint viscount lover... Or was it the hairy back and viagra dependency that put you off???

Please note the last part may not be true

10th Sep 2002, 13:25
Wot, Me worry??????

Where did I give myself away Undercover?:confused: :confused:

PPRuNe Radar
10th Sep 2002, 15:40
Unable to find out what 'slaging' means - so this one is getting closed.

10th Sep 2002, 16:42
I think "v2" means slagging.

v.-slagging, slagged. Slang criticize.

Popular ATCO pastime.
