View Full Version : JAR ATPL Training Aids - VIDEOS

7th Sep 2002, 00:09
I am finding the ATPL theory rather hard going, all seems straight forward but just cannot retain the info.
Just wondered if anyone knew of any good JAR ATPL training vidoes for te modules, especially PRINCIPLES OF FLIGHT & INSTRUMENTS ??

Chris Wannabe
7th Sep 2002, 08:23
Not sure about specific videos/DVDs - suggest you try Transair or Pilot Warehouse.

However, I found the inflight videos at

www.itvv.co.uk (http://www.itvv.co.uk)

really good. The older aircraft feature INS descriptions whilst the newer ones have some good EFIS explanations and presentations.

It was very useful to see the systems being used in a context that you can relate too rather than a diagram in a book.

two speed prop
7th Sep 2002, 08:48
There are videos on high speed flight and propeller theory which are made by PPSC. To be honest they are not particularly good but they might make something click. As for instruments there are no videos available that I know of.

I've got both of the videos above so email me if you would like to borrow them.

Good luck,
