View Full Version : QF19 due Sydney-Manila yesterday at 12.25

6th May 2024, 00:17
They worked on this aircraft all day yesterday, couldnt fix, crew out of hours, cancelled last night.
Delayed it again today till "3pm".
Anybody know what's going on?

6th May 2024, 00:20
It’s broken.

6th May 2024, 00:22
heard it got hit by a catering truck

6th May 2024, 00:43
They worked on this aircraft all day yesterday, couldnt fix, crew out of hours, cancelled last night.
Delayed it again today till "3pm".
Anybody know what's going on?

Reading between the lines from your post it appears the aircraft had a defect which required engineering to attend the aircraft at some point before departure. The flight was subsequently delayed. The process to clear the defect took engineering to the point where the legal duty limits of the crew were reached. Due to the ongoing aircraft defect and the fact that the crew reached its duty limits, the operator cancelled the service and rescheduled the departure to today at 3pm.
What more is there to know?
Or do you want detailed knowledge of the tech log entry? Not sure why, it is what it is.

6th May 2024, 00:46
unhappy boomer's missing his philippino friends probably

6th May 2024, 01:17
I think the OP may be pissed that QF can't find a replacement aircraft for such a long delay? Or maybe that all the 330s are 20+ years old and pieces of crap?

Really are we still doing "hey boomer" comments?

6th May 2024, 02:01
So QF having problems with -EBA; a portent of things to come perhaps.

Lead Balloon
6th May 2024, 02:23
A 'like', even though "a portent of things to come" is a tautology... ;)

6th May 2024, 02:30
A 'like', even though "a portent of things to come" is a tautology... ;)
It is.

6th May 2024, 07:19
Really are we still doing "hey boomer" comments?

Considering they have ruined most things for the next few generations - seems like the least we can do…

6th May 2024, 07:47
Considering they have ruined most things for the next few generations - seems like the least we can do…

What are the things we have “.ruined”?

6th May 2024, 13:31
What are the things we have “.ruined”?

Our children apparently :O

6th May 2024, 23:37
A 'like', even though "a portent of things to come" is a tautology... ;)

The media and general speech is littered with them today LB, mostly Americans (which trickles down to Oz) with statements such as 'sharing out', 'huge big' or 'huge, big, ginormous' as I heard recently and an article in The New Daily today which stated "it can be fitted to different types of aircrafts" (while not a tautology, this non-word from a media organisation).

Add to this 'revert back', 'return back', etc.

Sure, it doesn't affect us personally (not I didn't use 'impact') but it just seems to show the education in language these days is pathetic. I knew a school teacher pretty well a few years ago and she was quite open about the fact her spelling and grammar was atrocious and didn't seem to think it was a problem.

Lead Balloon
7th May 2024, 00:16
"[H]er spelling and grammar was atrocious and didn't seem to think it was a problem." Hmmmm.

Window heat
7th May 2024, 00:25
Funnily enough, with all the Boomer comments, the Moron was a Gen X’er. I’m ashamed to have him as part of my generation. Where is he now? Last I saw was his dog trying to break its leash to get away from him.

Chronic Snoozer
7th May 2024, 01:27
The media and general speech is littered with them today LB, mostly Americans (which trickles down to Oz) with statements such as 'sharing out', 'huge big' or 'huge, big, ginormous' as I heard recently and an article in The New Daily today which stated "it can be fitted to different types of aircrafts" (while not a tautology, this non-word from a media organisation).

Add to this 'revert back', 'return back', etc.

Sure, it doesn't affect us personally (not I didn't use 'impact') but it just seems to show the education in language these days is pathetic. I knew a school teacher pretty well a few years ago and she was quite open about the fact her spelling and grammar was atrocious and didn't seem to think it was a problem.

A moment of silence please, for the word 'very'. Unfairly displaced by the grammatically inferior 'super', people are no longer 'very happy', 'very excited' or 'very tired'. Alas 'very', I loved you very much. I look forward to your reboot in the film remake of Veryman.

Chronic Snoozer
7th May 2024, 01:29
Please tell me how exactly they did this? I want to know the mistakes that were made. You can't throw that out there and not give an explanation.

By being born in the immediate post WWII years and picking up the pieces.

7th May 2024, 03:51
Considering they have ruined most things for the next few generationsBoomers sure did, they developed the jet airliner and gave the world cheap international travel so the later generations could complain how bad they have if during their international ski trip.

Old Man went through WWII in New Guinea from the day the war started to the day it ended, which included 18 months in the jungle without seeing another white man (organising native labour, dined with head hunters on the fruits of their interactions with other tribes), after the war had a white collar job which was regarded as being in the upper echelons of the company locally (BHP mining town), Mum made our clothes and I was 16 before they could afford to buy a car (second hand Mk1 Zephr). I remeber those days with affection, an uncomplicated life, a child could walk the streets in absolute safety at all hours of day and night, lasses were respected and not seen as sexual prey, drugs never heard of, even alcohol was a drink of adults, cigarettes were dabbled in during the teens though no one could afford to take it up as pocket money didn't stretch that far, excuse me, I could go on.

7th May 2024, 11:39
By being born in the immediate post WWII years and picking up the pieces.

Snoozer you keep throwing out stuff but you haven't given me any substance. This is a symptom of someone being angry because somebody else told them to be angry.

This is a classical political tactic usually by the left.
"The reason you don't have (insert thing here) is because of these people"

I want a breakdown of the actual mistakes that were made and by who. You have to make a coherent argument not just repeat slogans.

Chronic Snoozer
7th May 2024, 11:53
Snoozer you keep throwing out stuff but you haven't given me any substance. This is a symptom of someone being angry because somebody else told them to be angry.

This is a classical political tactic usually by the left.
"The reason you don't have (insert thing here) is because of these people"

I want a breakdown of the actual mistakes that were made and by who. You have to make a coherent argument not just repeat slogans.
I was being ironic. Boomers practice irony but it is a lost art to the later generations. Everything is literal for them. Let's face it, this is the first time a generation has blamed the generations before them for the state the world is in. Asking for a breakdown of mistakes made is like trying to nail jelly to a wall.

7th May 2024, 14:53
You are like an old person shouting at clouds
It's a simple question. Where did immigration policy go wrong? Where did housing go wrong? If you can't pinpoint the problem how can you fix it?

Saying it's like nailing jelly to a wall sounds like an argument from a person who doesn't know what they are talking about.

Shark Patrol
7th May 2024, 21:13
Thread drift GOLD MEDAL!!

8th May 2024, 00:10
Thread drift GOLD MEDAL!!

True, but it’s done everyone a favour by distracting from the inanity of the original post, by introducing some new and completely unrelated inanity.

8th May 2024, 03:08
True, but it’s done everyone a favour by distracting from the inanity of the original post, by introducing some new and completely unrelated inanity.
so who is the GOAT here ?

8th May 2024, 06:45
Boomers were born between 1946 and 1964 so they were entering the workforce between 1964 and 1984. 99.9% of them wouldn’t have had any policy making power until they hit their 40’s, prior to that it was a generation who is now either infirm, or dead. Lets say they took the balance of policy-making power from the previous generation at 50 years of age ( doubtful that they had wrested it from the 60-70 year olds but let’s be generous). That means boomers are collectively ‘responsible’ for the direction things have taken since 1996 at the earliest, but really between 1996 and 2014. With that in mind, if your emotions overpower your intellect to the extent that you need to attach ‘blame’ to an entire generation you really need to identify ‘the silent generation’ as the badies, or alternatively blame the boomers for not reversing the policies of old quick enough for your liking. Blaming a disparate collection of humans will achieve nothing and you’d pass on a better world to your children if you redirected that energy into reaching a position where you influenced policy, but it’s much easier to spaz out so …...decision making time I guess.

10th May 2024, 00:03
Thread drift GOLD MEDAL!!
I'm going to put that on my CV. Thread drift expert!

Mr Proach
10th May 2024, 03:19
Boomers sure did, they developed the jet airliner and gave the world cheap international travel so the later generations could complain how bad they have if during their international ski trip.

..... I was 16 before they could afford to buy a car (second hand Mk1 Zephr).

I see your agenda, using this platform to let it be known you had the privilege of riding in a Zephyr. Our family car (of French origin) had rear view mirrors mounted on the boot lid so you could see Zephyrs approaching from behind at great speed whilst you were pushing it (which is how it moved forward for 90% of its' time on the road). Every-time you dove out of the way as one of those flash Zephyr wizzed pass, I would think .... "sacré bleu!"