View Full Version : EASA ATPL test EQCB Austro control

GS Capture
28th Apr 2024, 20:32
Dear all,

Can someone please recommend a good and proven online platform to prepare for the ATPL written test. I live in the US and will use a flight school that work with Austrian CAA to take the exams but I have no idea which test bank is used these days. Any help and suggestions how to pass is highly appreciated.

Many thanks


29th Apr 2024, 13:11
finished my ATPL's with Austro and UK CAA in February, studied with Bristol Ground School and used ATPLQ as the question bank, both fantastic. Also the ATPL discord server is helpful for reading students feedback from the exams you're about to sit. https : //discord . gg/M6ZGZXPC

29th Apr 2024, 15:46
Most of my private students tend to use ATPL Questions for Austro EASA exams, other QBs are available eg. ATPLGS, Bristol Ground School, I am sure there are others too. They all tend to more or less the same thing, it is important you can select questions by examining authority (UK CAA, Austro etc) and a very popular technique is to go through the last 200 questions seen. For Austro all questions are multi-choice whereas the UK CAA have some 'type in' or boxed answers you have to complete.

I assume you have done the FAA system, well you are in for a shock as to the sometimes dire standard of question both in terms of relevance but also grammar. However good your school is in terms of teaching material/instruction you are unlikely to pass the EASAs without the use of a QB.

Any questions please feel free to PM me.

Richard (Semi-retired ATPL theory instructor).

GS Capture
29th Apr 2024, 23:38
Thank you all for the replies. Where can I get the questions bank for the Austro control? What's the best website to get the most up to date questions?

30th Apr 2024, 06:18
In no particular order:


Talking of the FAA, the EASA questions are fine examples of what CFIIs are taught to avoid asking.

31st May 2024, 12:50
finished my ATPL's with Austro and UK CAA in February, studied with Bristol Ground School and used ATPLQ as the question bank, both fantastic. Also the ATPL discord server is helpful for reading students feedback from the exams you're about to sit. https : //discord . gg/M6ZGZXPC

I'm currently studying for the Austro Exams, so this would be very interesting. Unfortunately your link is expired though.
Is this the "The ATPL Network" server? If not would you mind providing an updated link?

31st May 2024, 20:08
I'm currently studying for the Austro Exams, so this would be very interesting. Unfortunately your link is expired though.
Is this the "The ATPL Network" server? If not would you mind providing an updated link?

Hi yeah it’s the ATPL network server, particularly the feedback channels of each respective subject. I’m guessing you’re already in but I’ll post the link for anyone reading this at a later date:


1st Jun 2024, 09:53
Thank you, yes I was already in, but that link will surely be helpful for others. :ok:

2nd Jun 2024, 07:09
Just to be clear.

There are NO published question banks with the actual official questions anywhere.


All the players mentioned above is all based on hearsay and students trying to recollect a question to be reconstructed after the exam. So they are ALL equally as crap/good as each other. You just need to learn the knowledge.. and do what ever it takes to pass the ATO required tests so they can sign you off to do the official writtens.

The only thing to do is use as many QBs as possible and my biggest takeaway has been the absolutely poor english and sentence composition to the point it seems the non-english speaking question writer ran it thru Google translate 4 times prior to adding into the hidden official EASA question-bank. Also, it sucks if you are not a native english speaker or at least have a good grasp of it)

So getting accustomed to reading badly constructed questions is key to surviving as there are many trick answers (wrong/wrong/correct/more-correct.. the typical multiplechoice answer layout)

3rd Jun 2024, 06:15
I second that - just yesterday I saw a question that had been recalled completely incorrectly. Not only that, having written a few hundred questions, I have only ever seen around 6 of mine in the banks, so they are not complete anyway.