View Full Version : *Wording* WCA vs. Drift

25th Apr 2024, 20:31
Hi all,
Could I request some help with the wording and meaning of WCA vs. Drift?

As I understood,

Drift is the direction towards where you are being blown, i.e. if wind is from the right (startboard), you are blown to the left (port), so the "Drift" is to the left (port). And vice-versa.
WCA is the direction to turn to correct for the drift

Is this above correct?

My test bank: I am getting this error, so is it my understanding? Or the language? Or?

Many thanks!

26th Apr 2024, 06:03
Yes, the Americans call WCA the crab angle. Basically it's deliberate.

26th Apr 2024, 07:32
Sometimes they want answers to WCA as + or -. Remember if you have Port drift then P prompts you of PLUS symbol "+" & Starboard drift then S prompts you of SUBTRACT symbol "-"

26th Apr 2024, 07:54
Thanks Richard - I forgot that bit :)